Dear All, Good Day!
This is about the Pandavas of Mahabharata. After doing all bad things(I say so, because I too fought with my father's elder brother and his children from age 11 or so and lasted many years and it was not really fruitful and I feel very bad about it now. Finally things turned out my way and the fight just gave me a bad name as far as I know. And if I gambled, yes, I gambled with my life and not with my family or my assets. Assets I inherited I used as final resort to live on with my wife and son. And sailor inherently gambles with his/ her life with IMO in place or not!) on this earth they decided to go to heaven and in those days it was more or less walkable distance and death was not a pre-requisite! Or, in those days to keep living till you reach heaven was the basic requirement I have no idea whether any other entry requirements were there! During the journey, all the brothers died and only Dharma Putra and his dig were left. So Chithtra Guptha said now as he managed to come alive he could enter heaven. Still, Yudhishtira with his other names including Dharma Puthra, can not leave behind the Dog as it was always with him and asks him that he doesn't want heaven if the Dog is denied entry. So as usual Chithra Gupta also praised him and allowed him to enter heaven with the Dog. But the moment Yudhishtira entered heaven the Dog vanished into thin air!
The story was as usual said with a moral to praise Yudhishtira but the hitch is that why the loved Dog had to disappear was not known to Yudhishtira or story storyteller. And whether Yudhishtira mourned the disappearance of his favourite Dog, as his request at heaven's gate was never satisfied.
Start making your own morals for every story you hear and keep aside the one that comes with the story, just like you keep aside the manual of new-age gadgets!
To continue...