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#206 Creator Of The Creator Issue!

Good Day, All!

I have pulled this title to drafts, as I cannot handle it well.



Let me try this one slowly.

The picture inserted is a part of my bookshelf, which mostly contains reference books, I am sorry that I have hoarded two extra sets of Harper Collins's How Things Work, which I bought few sets in the early eighties from local bookshops and even gifted to few. One volume my son had taken to his college. I was trying in between to get these books but they were not available. Coincidentally, in this year's book Lovers Day, I observed some books getting damaged and put all of them in the sun for drying. Then I surfed the net and found some pre-owned booksellers selling them literally free of cost. So, I have managed two extra sets of Harper Collins's ones, one volume of Paladin and one George Allen & Unwin one. The other volume of Paladin is available but is too expensive for me to buy. All these books belong to the late '60s to early '70s and contain short picturesque descriptions of scientific inventions in use/ made available to the public till that period. These are still valid and to me, it works as a reproductive system arranged for the materialistic inventions. Crossbreeding present-day inventions with past ones may produce better equipment, possibly. Now let's come to the point. All I wanted to say is that we invented many things and have all the theories that make them work to the satisfaction of science. Maybe they are deficient in one case that, they can not reproduce themselves.

                     Now, have a look at nature and see all the living beings. They are made with so much precision and efficiency, which man-made devices can not claim. They survive and reproduce and some might have disappeared from the earth due to some imbalance due to force de majure situations or because of us. The science behind the formation and existence of such things, including us must be so intricate that our logic can not even imagine something that can make it possible. So it is quite natural for us, to consider, nature as an accidentally formed thing. The easiest way out was to consider the formation of a microbial life form from which all these have evolved. It was assumed that before the formation of life earth with all its waterbody was also formed accidentally. This theory definitely gives some peace of mind to many logical thinkers, and it is not bad as it gave great momentum for the world to reach this level and more. And I, myself am happy about it, so far. But to think differently, being integral, I took up the challenge of defining a creator of us and everything, as part-time work. But the concept of 'God' is an entirely different one and can be different from the creator too. I would like to take it up later.

                           By the way, I do not care much about Darvin's theory of human evolution, as from nothing to a monkey is quite humongous compared to a monkey to a human. So that theory is negligible to me. But then looking back to the period I lived there, I see a lot of evolutions at least science is concerned. So, I may assume that from pictography to the present phonetic script-based languages have evolved from logical thinking and so, mathematics must have been the first science and then, language together with mathematics made the world of today. They both depend on imaginary things and can never reach an absolute level or truth. So, what I am trying to do by writing this blog can never reach the goal I am trying to.

       The first distraction or discouraging phrase on my path is, 'It is a chicken and egg problem'. But I am sorry, I can not stop there and I may ask, where did the rooster go? From the creator's point of view, the answer to the question of the chicken and egg problem is that he/ she designed an egg which can make a chicken or rooster at a valid random probability of with more weightage to the chicken. So on the table the chicken with the ability to lay eggs with the help of a rooster with a certain capability. So all these three things were designed at the same time. Afterwards, maybe like what is said in Genesis chicken and rooster one each might have been produced. That, I feel should be the best way to make the chicken, rooster and egg. Most economical! So, as far as we humans are concerned, the creator never created the egg, at all, maybe. I may point out one thing at this point. There is nothing called spirituality for a conscious human mind. Like the way the ability to create an egg with the assistance of a rooster embedded in both of them, we are also embedded with a sense of spirituality in our mind with which we can feel that the materialistic things we feel are real when we are conscious, being within our body. When we sleep we don't feel any material. Death is still a mystery and better not to take it into account!

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