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#202 I Am The Way, The Truth And The Life.

Good Day, All! 

                          This is a confusing title and needs a lot of elaboration and that is why, I did not take it up so far. Now I think I should write a brief preface for this. From what I read and heard in the Bible, I felt that Jesus Christ was mostly doing a role of a microphone and he was not actually talking in the First person. This title verse also when I read, I become the way, the truth, and the life for me. When a priest or a preacher says it, then I have enough sense to take it as something  Jesus said. Going back on the previous loop, It just ascertains that I may be the one to follow to know the truth and the way and the life. Humble advice is that You all too may take it that. Don't bother, crosses galore waiting for you on your path; Enjoy...

By the way, what all the social reformers said was known to be right by their followers only because they pointed them out. And not that they were too weak to follow the righteous path. From their point of view was to put them on a pedestal and do a non-violent attack on the reformers. Even the reformers forget their primary aim and get distracted by the fan followers! From my point of view, the reformers did more harm to the world and made it really difficult for a truly righteous one. Even Christ managed to take many lives of people who attained sainthood later and the crusades killed much more than them...

The moral of the story is that never follow anyone, and definitely not me, as I do not know from where I came and where I am heading and you may not feel whatever I felt in my path! All the very and a not so merry Christmas!

To pursue further...

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