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#169 Grammarly Reminds Me Of Aadi Shankaraacharya!!!

 Dear All, Good day!

                                    Sri. Aadi Shankaracharya wrote an instantaneous poem/ hymn BhajaGovindam while have was travelling through North India and I was given a Malayalam version by my teacher/ Guru in the late '90s. I really didn't like the reason which evoked him to write it. He did not want an elderly person teaching grammar to kids and he felt that at his age he should be praising/ praying to God so that his way to heaven may be easier. In both contexts, I disagree as grammar is the utmost part of language and anyone at his later age shall try to pass over whatever they hold to the next generation. Also, sycophancy is not a thing God may approve of as I myself disdain it. In this hymn itself, I disagree with where he goes against concupiscence as personally, he may stay away from it for his own reasons but I feel that he should not have treated it as a thing to be abstained from. It is the most important thing for all life forms on this earth should be treated with all reverence.

                   Going to Adwaitha also I disagree as that word is invalid. Two is not there actually is very ambiguous as there can be 3, 4, 5 etc. Also if nothing after one, then one is evolved from nothingness and both together make two. Even in the case of polytheism and monotheism, they both are two sides of a coin and it is impossible for one side of the coin to see the other side and vice-versa. 

To be continued. 

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