Good day, All!
#178 In My Post I should Start Using The Term, Google Time Instead Of Indian Standard Time, I Feel!
Good Day, All!
Or IST may be treated as International standard time...
#177 I Think I Have Managed To Shed The Tail "Mechanical" From My Engineering Degree!
Good day, All!
#176 Men Should Work For Society And Women For Home; I Doubt Both Working For Home Now!
Good day, All!
Regret a major error in the title. One should work for family and the other for society depending on aptitude/capability or a mixture sort of arrangement. Both society and home should be taken care of. Also, the present system neglects the offspring I feel. To continue...
#174 Was Napoleon Bonaparte's Decision To Surrender A Wise One?
Good day All!
#173 Definitely, This World Is Not The World I Lived In The '70s!
Good Day, All!
#172 Some People Still Wish For Time Machines: Either They Have Memory Loss Or They Are In Too Much Of Hurry!
Good day, all!
#171 So The Tug Of War Is Over And The Materialism Has Won With Hands Down!
Good day, All!
#169 Grammarly Reminds Me Of Aadi Shankaraacharya!!!
Dear All, Good day!
Sri. Aadi Shankaracharya wrote an instantaneous poem/ hymn BhajaGovindam while have was travelling through North India and I was given a Malayalam version by my teacher/ Guru in the late '90s. I really didn't like the reason which evoked him to write it. He did not want an elderly person teaching grammar to kids and he felt that at his age he should be praising/ praying to God so that his way to heaven may be easier. In both contexts, I disagree as grammar is the utmost part of language and anyone at his later age shall try to pass over whatever they hold to the next generation. Also, sycophancy is not a thing God may approve of as I myself disdain it. In this hymn itself, I disagree with where he goes against concupiscence as personally, he may stay away from it for his own reasons but I feel that he should not have treated it as a thing to be abstained from. It is the most important thing for all life forms on this earth should be treated with all reverence.
Going to Adwaitha also I disagree as that word is invalid. Two is not there actually is very ambiguous as there can be 3, 4, 5 etc. Also if nothing after one, then one is evolved from nothingness and both together make two. Even in the case of polytheism and monotheism, they both are two sides of a coin and it is impossible for one side of the coin to see the other side and vice-versa.
To be continued.
#168 And, This Century's Best Human Language Award Goes To One And Only English!
Dear All, Good Day!
Sanskrit to me is a defunct language and if you try to communicate with Gods with that, you may be just trying your pot-luck and God knows, it may backfire too! First of all, from the name it is not a naturally evolved language, as it means refined language and very rare to have a naturally evolved one and seems like the name was put after many updates and trials. Its script is called Devanagari and is used as a communication medium to Gods. I feel those people were crazy to talk to god to take care of this earth. I think we are given enough or more resources to deal with and the present-day material science is taking care of it well; definitely, those invisible hands may be there, but we can be thankful for that. And It should suffice. And I feel sad for the Germans, as they were blamed for stealing pamphlets from here! Whatever they took was actually less than they deserve. And they are too good they manage with whatever they got and present-day science should be more thankful to them than Aristotle and all those big mouths. (May include me also with them, even though I am only murmuring!)
But then English, it beats even the adage rolling stones never catch moss. This one rolls well and never left a moss it caught. Maybe the adage I used is not an apt one. English may be a piece of earth with magnetic properties.
To be continued...
#167 I Am an Impurity Within The Oyster Called The World Outside Me; What About You?
Good day All!
Maybe I put the title wrong. Better I say that I started off as an impurity the oyster kept on trying to eject me out, or rather I was hurting her and she was using her shields against me. Will I become a pearl of any value and manage to come out without destroying her is yet to be seen. I have been to Japan many times and connected with them too much and respect them much more than that. They are into this pearl business and I still don't know if any connection with Hiroshima-Nagasaki/ Pear Harbour issue. Fuzzy logic makes me go crazy or make others think I am crazy...
To continue...