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#160 "Nationalism" Is Another One Which Needs Immediate Attention!

 Good day, all!

                          This one is a different case as the case I try to give a different meaning to English words. The word meaning is okay, but I find the understanding and usage are a bit different in a way. First of all, I am not a nationalist(?). It had done enough harm to my country, as I did only menial work for my country, but it worked well for me. As I work on a ship that goes to various countries, all of them allowed me to embark on their land and had full freedom there. The only exception was Karachi in Pakistan which was a hostile place politically, particularly it was during the stand-off period after Kargil War. And it was quite acceptable from my point of view, as the arrangement was more for my own safety. So I belonged to the world than the country I am from, for all practical purposes.

                                  In my view, nationalism is supposed to work for the purpose of nation-building and should be contained within the nation itself. Once you are out of the country, I feel, it is better I leave my nationalism behind, for the good of all. This, these days are more prominent in the case of international events related to arts, sports, etc. where competitions amongst national representatives are held. Actually, I wanted and already posted another title called Arts and Sports to go in depth. But sportiveness is killed by the professionalism and these days anyone shows some sports spirit all media make it something viral. The same is the case when somebody returns a wallet or something precious. These are good deeds, just because bad deeds are plenty. These are just sane and humane things. Nothing great. If I remember right, olden days wherever people gather for any reason, there used to be a lost and found counter used to run alongside.

                                            But I still do not understand the border issues as far as India is concerned. How people belonging to enemy countries can work together peacefully, on a ship or some other part of the world. That means these wars are not citizen-based, but politically (I mean the shady version)motivated. 

                                   In these times, for any country, will it be humane to be proud? Or to be symbiotic is only for other beings and humans are exempted? Maybe I had already mentioned before somewhere, we are arrogantly after three non-existing values or value-less things, vis, Independence, freedom, and pride. Independence is not possible at a micro or macroscopic level. I got a hunch that Sanatana Dharma means justice will always be there, and if so laws also be there, and definitely no Utopia possible (and crimes also will be there). Apparently Sanathana Dharma in a says that injustice will be there at large until Dharma manages to destroy it or keep it under check. Sorry that I haven't gone into Vedas and Yugas of Hindu Mythology. All just plausibility from my vantage point. Any story can not be complete without an antagonist and the same about our life too) As long as laws are there your freedom is controlled, whether you follow your own laws or others'. Pride is very easy, what is there in this world for a human being to be proud of?

                 By the way, what I said above may be easily misunderstood, and actually, I may be an Indian to the core, than the nationalists I see around or passed away. I can never be proud, if I have a fair idea about India and it in a fanciful way, I feel that India was the epicenter of continental drift. Maybe the big bang occurred on earth, between the polytheists and the monotheists. Apparently, monotheists had won and I am not sure about Africa, but. I can tell you a story about when I purchased,  many years back from Amazon.in, a national flag aluminum sticker, and what I received noted that the orange and green colors were inverted and I can't stick it upside down as in the lower part it was embossed "INDIA". So I had some sticker sheets for automobiles and cut green and orange ones to size and stuck on the previous ones so that the issue is sorted out. Definitely, it cost me Rs 5 extra! Looked into the reviews of this item and so many Indians cried sedition and were even ready to sue Amazon. India pride is something like mushrooms, which pop up during Independence Day and like, and when some Indian origin person achieves something Internationally. And it breaks down, the moment someone, may be of ignorance, a flag is tied upside down. 

                                                                                        At this juncture, I should take the word self-esteem. After hearing SadhGuru I am quite confused about this word, as he says that this is a negative term. But I think this website clarifies it; https://www.differencebetween.com 

                 We basically lack self-esteem I feel and we look out to the world to accept us and definitely an indication of an inferiority complex. There are definitely valid and good reasons for this situation and as an Indian, I can not blame any of us or the world for it explanation has to be done on a higher strata, but from a layman's point of view, I should say due to leadership issue including reformers. Please understand that with the knowledge I have acquired, saying somebody was wrong doesn't mean that he was bad, but an intention and action mismatch. Definitely, those things were supposed to be happened, even though, you may call me superstitious.

29th June 2023.

To continue...


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