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#158 I Find Most Social Reformers As Hard-Core Instigators!

 Good Day, all!

                          That doesn't mean they were bad. Maybe they were trapped by hard-core instigators. Let me start with Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, our own father of the nation. I know history can not be trusted,  but I am left with no option and anywhere I go wrong please do correct me. I am mostly following Wikipedia in this regard. From my point of view, he was quite fallible to investigators. We walked the street in front of my home when my father was less than 10 years, definitely led by instigators galore!

                                                             In the late 1920s, Muhammad Ali Jinnah asked for a separate land or place for Muslims where they can pray and feel safe also, but he was ignored by the top guns. But let me ask why they did that when a fellow Indian is feeling insecure in India,  they should forget about English and Kings and all and should have started working for removing that sense of insecurity in the large mass of Indians. Later on, when Gandhi proposed a non-violence form of attack, Jinnah walked out stating that it will cause political anarchy. I still do not know what sort of logical ability he had at that age, to foresee, what India is facing now. As I had mentioned somewhere before that, you will kill yourself to your enemy, which should make him very happy, as his arms are not going to get stained. This will work only between people having empathetic relationships and not with the opposition. This is the only logic I could reach and not really very much valid, but Jinnah said something really substantial is happening around me and going to continue, and reins are being put now, I feel. Any way India never got freedom, got partitioned into two and later into three. 

His proposition to dissolve Indian National Congress after independence too never worked. In my view, all parties in democracy should be dissolved after every election and already members are there to deal with the ruling? (Governing) and authority should be there for the majority to execute the decisions, nothing should be taken to the streets which definitely considers with what Jinnah said! Presently if I say India is the root of all terrorist activities, can anyone object. Separatism, sycophancy, favouritism and many other manures are needed all here. No religion is also present in the forefront. Religions are the most important aspect in the bringing up of a moralistic society I can't see any religion here as secularism had killed them!

                              India was never an unsecular country and that is why in comparison it had to spell it out. Stupid cover-up, but! I am talking about present India after the so-called Independence. Or rather we were more unsecular before independence. 

                            About the story of Gandhi being pushed out of the train in Soth Africa, there are a few mismatches as to how he managed to get a first-class ticket if against law/ practice there. Even when he was pushed out he could look at only the skin colour, not the look at their eyes and see what is making them do such an inhuman act. Anyway organizing seemingly troubled people can end in a mishap like the Marx-Angels combination and many other people have tried. To me, Gandhi was more of a war-monger and I know I am being blasphemous to the core. And no US now to seek asylum for me!

                          The worst thing was that pre-independence all went to Britain for studies, particularly law and they all had exposure to other countries. After August 15th doors were closed and India was no more a part of the world; they said it will help us to become more independent! I found it a stupid argument. By the way, studying in the UK and coming back here and working against them was a treacherous thing to do. I studied in two colleges set up primarily by the Kings of Kerala, and in their site earlier it was written that the idea was to learn English and beat the English in it. It looked like taking a knife from someone and the facilities and then using it to nab him. Only English can teach you English and you may beat another English man but theoretically, you can never beat your language tutor. In sports particularly, cricket we are doing it well and I agree much. 

               Maybe it is my imagination running wild, but the whole Drama of Indian Independence was for the English to leave this extremely hostile land with respect and whatever they did was to bring out the worst of India together fast and some good people may be able to do the necessary corrective action. As I said before, Moses and Abraham Lincoln may have to turn over in their graves. I still prefer to be here even though I have estranged many in my profession, here in India. That I too am a reformist and onboard I work for the owner as I had been trained. Anyway without the owner all other entities collapse. May the owner can be a government but still owner is there. You may notice that no ship can trade following the rules laid down by stupid entities like flag state and port state and the great abominable IMO all the time. And with a Chief Engineer and Master onboard, how can a surveyor, with more or less the same qualifications, board and find out non-conformities. It is imperative that these faults were hidden by them or they should be dismissed from their duties for incompetence. Mostly flag state and port state officials are previous sailors and while sailing they hide things for the owner and the moment role changes they go against the ship and owner vehemently. Anyway, I got diverted and let me pen something more. Many seafarers think that safety is life-saving equipment. But to me, the utmost safety is the ship as a whole except for the lifesaving and firefighting equipment. I am talking about normal cargo ships and not special-purpose vessels. My basic concern is to prevent the occurrence of contingencies and take calculated risks when total safety can not be ensured. This is the reason why I don't care for the seatbelt, airbags and Anti-Blockier systeme as if I am in total control and vigilant while driving the above-said items are mostly for sleep drivers or incompetent and absent-minded sort. Also, note that Murphy's laws are applicable to these and can put you in a more dangerous situation than it actually is. Similarly, I will have to take chances if one of my standby machinery failed and is beyond repair with available resources onboard. Logistics issues may cause the repair to complete quite late and in that case, I will have to take an assessed risk and keep the ship running. As it is I do go to Sea as I don't care to die, but avoid dying as much as possible. During my training, I was told that there is a priority matrix to be followed for taking decisions in critical situations, comprising of Engine, Life, Cargo and Hull. Later on, Environment was also added. The correct sequence is Life, Environment, Cargon, Hull, and Engine. So Engine is the last one and it is not fully a commercial solution, even though it apparently looks like and very much logical sequence. In my life, I had to use it once and avoided a collision at Hodaida in Yemen and I feel very happy about it.   And More on this later and other social reformers. As I put in one of my posts lot of reform needs to be done on me than other but reform the word itself have so many meaning depending on the path you have chosen... 

Another PS. 1. By the way I haven't read or rather read only few pages of Gandhi's My Experiments with the truth and stopped as his understanding of the word truth is entirely different from my definition. 

2. I never tried to See Richard Attenborough's movie as I never had the patience and as it may confuse me more. 

To continue...

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