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#155 Destination Death!

 Dear All, good day!

                                   I sincerely doubt whether I will know when I reach or have arrived; this way or that way! And no guiding maps are available in this case! This may be considered a continuation of my last post, even though the title looks a little bit absurd. I think I have put myself in a precarious position by writing this much so far, with so much needing to be written to complete most of the topics. The title I have chosen now makes things even worse. I do not know how to start or end this and how to follow a legible sequence all the way. Anyway, let me have a try. Please keep in mind that the title of this blog remains valid for all I write, as everything is based on the knowledge I have acquired. I haven't read all that is written and available, never heard all that is said, and so on.

                                                       As I can remember, every time I use Google Maps and reach where I was heading, it says ' you have reached your destination". But to me, it was just a place I wanted to reach. My destination in life for quite some time is death, and I am not in a hurry to reach that. Or it really doesn't matter and nothing is pessimistic about this thought. I know it may cause a lot of physical pain and discomfort, which I disdain. Particularly being a sailor, who doesn't know swimming too, death by drowning and/or hypothermia may be the worst. Frankly speaking, I am not afraid of death, but I take utmost care not to get physically hurt, which should evade death. I smoke, just because I am damn sure that it is not going to cause anything malignant to me, and I can tell a bit more about this at some other time. Driving rashly was another thing that could have made me reach my destination earlier, but then I take best to nothing untoward happen. I used to drink earlier, but it used to make me soberer, and if you consider the drunks here, it was just a waste of money for me! Whatever the case, the most daunting question is whether I will know I am dead, or is it be a total obliteration! Anyway, I am still trying to get hold of a story about a land where deaths are never mourned (Even here in other south Indian states, they frolic, literally during a funeral ceremony, but I can not say that is a truthful one). I believe it is from Stories Of Five Decades by Herman Hesse, and the only thing in that place people do is place flowers on the ground after burial. The story is about a death, which occurred when there were no flowers available in the whole state.

        Now, the most crucial part is death; earlier I started the title about death being a myth. Yes, it is a myth. I haven't heard anyone coming back after death and saying what it is. When someone dies we lose him and we consider that he also loses his presence in this world, which is quite true, definitely from our point of view. Now let us consider the case of sleep. When we sleep(don't consider the stages of sleep etc as they are only for the researchers) our conscious self becomes unaware of this world and the sub(!)conscious self remains and keeps the body ready for the conscious self to wake up, either normally, or under any disturbances. Forget about the dreams. In the case of death, the conscious self and the subconscious self vanishes and the body itself will disintegrate, or we may have to cremate it. Present-day science and many people including me like to see death as an eternal sleep. Now the exception is the religions with heaven and hell or the three worlds or twice seven, fourteen worlds as Hinduism says. By the way, all these are assumptions or conclusions reached with the logical ability each had. None can be proved right now as far as I know. The religious ones can not be proven may be because necessary scriptures and people of ability are no more, apparently. Setting up death as my destination is just that, I find this life as a walk(no, not a race) and all so-called goal turns out to be temporary and you still have to keep on going. I just hope that death will put an end to this. No,  I am not sick of life, or rather I enjoy it well, even though the downs were too deep than the ups. Or I just like to maintain the status quo. Without seeking money, power, or fame, I look more like an aimless guy. Am I a truth seeker? I think I should utilize the next paragraph for the terms science and knowledge!

                                                     I do not know, maybe I am wrong in redefining the words in English. I have earlier said that ignorance is not a lack of knowledge but ignoring things, situations, people, etc which eventually leads to a lack of knowledge, and that way and only that way it will become a crime. Also, I feel that independence, freedom, and pride, which are the favorites in this part of the world, are either invalid or bad traits. Nothing in this world can be independent, only the nature of dependence may vary. Freedom is a no, no, thing as some sort of law is applicable to all, even a criminal. Maybe the Sanathana Dharma in Hinduism also specifies this. As far as I know, Dharma is justice, which is rooted in the laws, and the phrase may mean that the laws will remain forever for humans. I don't know. And pride, I still haven't found anything humans had ever done to feel proud of. Even if something makes you proud, it definitely will be short-lived. Now coming to the point, we humans are generally a proud lot. We do a lot of things that no other living doing, forget the non-living. We say we think! And we think nobody/nothing else thinks or thinks as much as we think. Forget the silly conquests by Emperors, but we think to conquer the earth and the whole universe and apparently, we almost reached there! And science is our weapon. And I think it is quite potent now and I just don't know its true potential, but as far as I can see all its capabilities are revealed to the public and now it is more like wartime; good versus evil maybe. Science, the word derived from 'sci' the root word of knowledge, and knowledge is basically derived from the thought process. The Hindu derivative of the word human means the one who thinks/can think. Let me continue with this in the next paragraph as this one seems to be already too long.


                                                        I may note down a few things which I adhere to all along, as below, even though I was not really conscious of them at an early age.

1. The term relativity: Of all the people I have heard of or come across, I think Albert Einstein is the most prominent one. I agree that I am not having a clear picture of his life or his contribution to today's science, but I was attracted by the title of the book, "The World as I see it" and the theory of relativity. I managed to procure a concise version of the book, which I could only flip through and it never went deeply into the mathematical formulae of the theory of relativity. But what I am trying to do, with this blog is to give a picture of what I see. Nothing concrete and only possibilities and it is like showing some light on some aspects, which may be helpful to some.

fear of death, 

let there be zero

helpful materialistic science

the goal justifies the path 

word relativity

To know is humans and animals are equally inferior and humans are worse maybe!

science redefined, everything is science

logical thinkers against religion



                                                         Let me refer to my earlier post named "Archimedes Principle", where I mentioned the lyrics of a song by Alan Parson's Project based on Edgar Alan Poe's poem, which said about some fancies, which are born when bodily and mental health are at their perfection.

To complete this skeleton!



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