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#161 Amongst Humans, Male, Female, Man & Woman Are Entirely Different Sections.

Dear, All, Good Day!

29th June 2023

     I am just jotting down whatever I logically (my logical ability?) right and definitely questionable. The Snap of a Lighthouse by Tim Foster I used is not actually regarding my sea life, but I like to throw light into some areas, which may be helpful to some. Man-woman rivalry is supposed to be the most prominent of mankind. Saying "mankind" itself is good enough to start the fire! Reading, maybe carelessly " The One" by Richard Bach I fell into the deep pit of married life. Then I reread that book and I realized what mistake I have made, but anyway, his method can not be applied where I live. Anyway, after a lot of struggle, we managed to be one whenever needed and remain as individuals mostly. Not being bonded, but still being associated gives us a little bit of freedom also.

                                                                        Now, first thing, first as the world over, mostly patriarchy is on and if matriarchy is on men should be fighting for liberation. As the balance of anything humankind could not manage so far. And always very good at tipping the balance and even Goddess Justitia could not survive. How a blindfolded was not made to survive. If she can, then she definitely shouldn't be blindfolded. Asking for equality, women are actually degrading themselves, I feel. But then equality is not a thing that is practical and an idealistic term that can never be achieved, and only an approximation. But then we the great humans thrive on approximations and tramples on everything on earth, above and under. One day we may drill a tunnel from the North Pole to the South Pole to make the shortest road and shout aloud, Hurray, for whom to hear, I do not know. I feel that inherently, humans have that attitude that "you scratch my back and I will scratch yours" as we can't manage that part ourselves, and our happiness is always based on that.

                                       And, also I feel that the rivalry is between good and bad, and good is not really good, and bad is not really bad, but anything in-between needs a proper analysis as mostly they will be bad. I can tell a story which is normally put as a puzzle. at Y fork of a road on either branch, one person stands and one road leads to hell and the other to heaven. One of them tells only lies and the other tells only the facts (Sorry, I don't want to use the term truth here). Now you have to ask only one question and that too to only one of them and get the way to heaven or hell, wherever you want to go! But the person who raised this puzzle did not say that they know each other about their characteristics and each of them knows what is a lie and what is a fact. Incidentally, I knew this puzzle already and compared it as a product a negative and a positive number will always be negative. So the answer is if you ask anyone what will be the answer if I ask the other one which is the right way. Here the person who lies is not a bad guy but with innate knowledge and integrity. So is piracy at sea or software, they are doing a favour, but I think it went too far and got curtailed. All these activities are always monitored and controlled by people themselves at higher strata. So it is not a man-woman rivalry in the first place. If it was so, so many homes should have been broken down, by this time. I could not read World As I See It by Albert Einstein, but the flipping through a concise version I got, I found that when he was visiting the US there was opposition from the women's liberation team there.

                                        I do not know whether Ayn Rand was into women's liberation, but I liked her logical ability and storytelling. But anyway, human logic is always associated with absurdities and I too will not be spared. About her novel Fountainhead, I should say that Angelique was stupid to leave Haoard Roark just because he didn't achieve his dream and became a loser. Angelique's logic was that Roark lost and if she marries Roark, she will still be a gainer, but she too wanted to be a loser to the core. But I say, from my point of view, the profession is nothing but, for a family, to make both ends meet. And try to keep your and your family's girth as minimum as possible. As long as win and lose; I repeat win and lose, is all about sports and to be viewed with a sportsman(woman!) spirit.

                                                     Now, I may introduce the term "generalizing" which may turn out to be quite vicious, when dealing with humans, whereas it may be okay to use in mathematics or other physical sciences. In this case, I should also say that there is only science is there for humans, and when it achieves its highest peak and goes out of the hands of people in charge of that science stream, it may attain the status of religion. Everything in this is unique and you may notice the mathematical method used to prove that two fingerprints match precisely. How can you assume that; so many people are living here now and forget the ones who died or are yet to be born. It is a risk in assuming such a thing. It is a theory based on probability and permutations and combinations and works in a way like statistical quality control in the production process. So I may say that there are no two things that are exactly the same, and the whole numerical system shall collapse. But we are on a plane of approximation and approximation should be acceptable to a limit, even in scientific fields. Even human languages are just approximations; we may set the name of a fruit 'mango' and from then onwards, that fruit is considered as mango. For material things are okay with it. But in the case of qualities like love and other emotions, the approximations may work at a low level or even do the inverse. In one country what you do in love, like punishing your kid, may be an offence somewhere. I can tell the story I read where two people, speaking different languages, are fighting saying that mango is something else, and a knowledgeable person comes and sorts out the issue, convincing them they both are right. But I wonder, how two people of different languages can fight over a linguistic issue! The same goes for Sri. adiShankaracharya's Advaita Vedanta. If 'one' is not there, how can you consider two? More on this later. So generalizing is something which I am totally against and I have said somewhere I said divided I stand. I am against all sorts of unions. I take memberships only if I am forced to and stay detached in normal circumstances. I may even say against Yoga, which means union, the aim of which is to become one with the universe. But I myself am inherently enforced to be one with the universe and I can feel it too. But if you are not able to perceive it, then I don't think yoga should help you, but you may need some other therapy. This is like SadhGuru saying he is not a person, but others are, but I feel if SadhGuru is not a person and he feels it and others are also not persons and the only thing is that they are not aware of it. He talks about the persona part also many times. From Angels to all union makers succeed in bringing people together who are illiterate and being misused by bad elements in society (maybe they have some valid reasons). So making a union was found to be a strong method and it always grew stronger than the people against whom it was formed. Now let me come to the point that Carl Lewis can run faster than Florence Griffith Joyner doesn't mean that I can run faster than Florence. Even when some women talk about freedom there are a lot of men who have much less freedom than what many women enjoy. Restrictions were enforced on women in the earlier world for their own safety and revoking or rather getting them revoked was always in the pipeline. So as far as physical labour is concerned men are made to work a hard way, mentally and physically and if I can believe what was told to me, around 60 years back it was almost impossible for a woman to work in the engine room of a cargo ship even though internal combustion engines were present. The intricate issue is that almost all of the physical reproductive system is installed in the female and forget the hardship involved, but a force de majure situation can really devastate a female if she is carrying.

                                                           But the inventions and further developments have made it possible for women to work in ships' engine rooms and maybe the pregnancy effect working onboard is still there in force. Also, chastity-based morality is predominant in India and thereby men getting deprived of sex, which can cause fights and other issues in the society. 

                                                           Life for human beings was always tough; tougher than other living beings, as they are never, naturally provided with protective equipment others are given to deal with the climatic conditions present on earth and their ability to get food also was a tough task. Or maybe they are built for vegetarian food only! Also, maybe,  initially, wild animals were not really wild and against humans but after they started hunting animals, they went against humans. As it is once an animal is afraid of someone, they definitely attack that one. I feel this is quite universal law! So wearing clothes and weapons was a naturally acquired way. Otherwise, the first sin in Genesis caused all these and the shame part, but I may consider it as the earlier one and works against nature as an armour and the shame part crept on naturally. The shame part also, if invented, should be of the higher invention, or may be evolved out of the chastity issue and later lead to so many industries vis, textiles, fashion, pornography and you just name it! And many times men misbehave with women from stalking to violent ones due to chastity stuff and sexual starvation. Most of the men are like starved lions on the street as far as sex is concerned. There is so much to write about in this issue. Based on this issue women are not given the freedom to move around later compared to the wilderness in the olden days which they were not designed to cope with. 

                                                                By the way, mechanization and automation inventions were not invented by men or women but by humankind and that definitely made freedom possible to a greater extent for women but still, the sexual harassment issue can only be dealt with by cultural development and education does nothing in this regard and only moralistic approach, say by heaven and hell concept and others by religion wins the race hands-down. Talking about the breadwinner was always man and education also helped them keep it till un even work hours and hard physical labor involved. In the olden days, I feel, in Bharat education was to learn and become liberated and I still do not know what is liberation and, from what, to get liberated. Born as a physical conscience you can not get away from physical existence and what happens; whether I come back and live again, and all that stuff is not at all conceivable; forget to know, with this physical consciousness. So mechanisation and automation had crept into homes also and whatever freedom already achieved and yet to be achieved liberation levels of women are definitely a work of humankind and not by man or woman; they are just warmongers. So women's freedom or easiness in life was always at par with man's as far as humankind was concerned. But still, as long as chastity and other moral issues stay among us the woman to do all the things a man is allowed to do in society may not be possible for women. If that equality reaches gradually a lot of industries may collapse. Also amongst other living things, a male section is provided with sexually attractive fitments but humans have the other way around, I feel.

                                                    Comparison amongst anything may be possible, but when two things are complementary, it should be only up to a limited way. Like either side of a coin, man, and woman are only the elements that make the (wo)mankind. Here I may tell in a short way why I started searching for God. God again is not a properly defined word and the moment you hear God, attention is immediately diverted to religions, which many people think unscientific. But to me, the term God can only be formed by a scientific initiation, and started off at the aboriginal level and got carried over till now with a lot of accumulated knowledge and database. Maybe the religions are using the term, God in the wrong sense, nowadays. That is because religions are there and they have their own Gods. This situation is reached a grave level because of invasions and trans-migrations caused thereby. So 99.9% of living beings and all others in this world are so perfect (except the born disabled ones mostly amongst humans; the reason which I am still not sure about and so is the secret exactly behind reproduction. If science knew then the cases of infertility cases might have come down drastically). Reproduction is a wrong term to be used amongst humans as some similarity is there physically for the offspring, and mentally it is all haywire, which actually is what matters more! Among other living things, it is not really noticeable, but. So coming back to God, the first argument is Christian God created Christians and Hindu God created Hindus and so on. No, but only one God is possible if you understand what I mean by the word God. Everyone can have his own definition, and if you think a single one can not take care of creation and upkeeping(?if actually free will is there, regarding subsistence is concerned) then some may go for so many Gods which may or may not be under one single God. Some may even find a Human, Godly, and adore him/ her like God itself. Anyway most of us have something or place to represent the presence of God.  Even though it was a tough task, I stuck with Monotheism, along with polytheism. Duality of that sort was the toughest or maybe the easiest!

                                                              Looking at myself and other things in this world, I just could not believe that the formation of this whole thing can not happen out of an accidental occurrence and I just do not have enough time or energy to spend on disproving any kind of evolution theory. I do agree that evolution is always there but only from a valid starting point and I wouldn't like to give any divine aura to the creator and he may be just another human, who got evolved into one capable of it. The most treacherous part of seeking the creator is who created the creator and it will become an infinite series and most cases discourage you from making the search. But then, all the journeys are never completed instantaneously, and many times you go to one place even though, Google Maps may say that you have reached your "destination" but you may be knowing better! All religions give you the idea free of cost, otherwise, you may take a lifetime to consider that word. Material science(which was always there in different forms) worked as the strengthening material for your search like in a physical training class. Either actually seeks the same but apparently goes in opposite directions! I am talking about both being available to laymen like me and top people of both may be knowing better...

Inventions for home improvement mostly by men

The physical labor involved in all professions due to mechanization

The first woman to climb a mango tree!

Man-woman physical differences

workers unite Angels

generalizing continue

healthy competition- my language- drug abuse

Carl and Florence


Earning member.

provider, co-provider,

04th(US independence day?) July 2023  1145 Hrs IST Updated to continue...

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