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#146 I Would Like To Know How Far United Nations Has Progressed.

Good Day, All!

                          Because the actual situation may not be known to me, an ordinary man. But the efforts by the USA (even though as policing), I feel was more effective. Contrary to an official and politically formed UN, many other countries also informally join the USA for the same purpose. These are my observations from the early '80s, particularly after being introduced to English music, rather than the movies or books. Grammy and American musical awards were the main focus points those days. I should thank my eldest brother, Mathew for creating this platform for me. The sincerity behind the song "We Are the World" was really unquestionable, but the effect based on charity service was quite or nearly ineffective, considering the target to be achieved. I do not know whether I have mentioned earlier, but poverty is always misunderstood. You lack something you really need is considered poverty and it is entirely understood. But here I see a lot of people who seek something better and more expensive, being literally snobbish. I am not actually against snobbery (a by-product of jealousy), at this stage as it feeds the world, better than any so-called good qualities and charity-based systems. It is read that Steve Jobs said that people can live on basic things and have no need to go for luxury. He himself had created the Apple thing, became an Icon and for a long on luxury business used to feed the world and lead many wars.

                                           The UN concept is a misnomer and was started by (?stupid) people who were too optimistic and euphoric. Even now the formation of the nations is not complete and hardly any changes in the developing/ developed nations list. I think it all started like an 'Alice in Wonderland' situation. Anyway, I can't say that things were too bad, or undo anything, as if things are in shipshape how can a blog writer spend his time. Response or reaction from my side may cause harm to me and not do any good to the world, looking at all the great people six feet under. Time is the healer and let it do its job. By the way, I am only on a relative platform and talking about the world as I see it around me (with due respect to Albert Einstein). I may be taking up the update of the Introductory title I published earlier, which may give better clarity on the scenario I am in.

To continue...

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