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#148 Being A Sailor, This Job Reminds Of The Story Of Marpa And Milarepa, As said By SadhGuru.

Good Day, All!

                          This is what SadhGuru's video about Marpa-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi7eLmaL1DU and the period is 8th minute to 9th minute where he tells the part I am talking about. In my profession also after we join a ship we work may be only say 8 to 12 hours a day, but we may be called anytime during the rest hours also if any contingency occurs and people available on duty need more hands to take care of the situation and for the last 26 years I work in the management level and chances of being called off-hours were quite common. So it is literally 24x7 and, apparently, sleeping in a shed in the workplace itself. But the advantage(to me it may be considered a mixed-up one) is that while on leave or rather off-hire, after leaving the permanent roster of The Shipping Corporation Of India, you are free to do anything. Say 24x7 free time. To read, to watch movies, to socialize ( My duality allowed me to do it, even though I was not actually sociable within, as I said earlier, divided I stand principle!)

                                                                                           This is quite a similar situation to what Milarepa had faced; spending all your time seeking Dhamma and even other stupid things. By the way, I was never lecherous. Drinking used to make me soberer and literally a waste of money in case I had to pay for it. By the way, I am not into autobiography, or rather I do not believe in such a thing, as I don't think anyone can leave his life as an open book, where it itself is a mystery to himself!

To continue, if I think of adding anything...

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