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#152 I Do Work For Work, And Money Acts As A Catalyst.

 Good Day, All!

                        Defining work also, is not very easy. I had seen, during my pre-sea training at the HindustanShipyard Limited, Visakhapatnam, in the electric arc welding workshop someone welded on "Work Is Worship". This really affected me very much, even though, I was not really in a working mode then..

To continue... 

#151 May Be I Am In A Brake Van; Slept Off And Had A Nightmare!

Good Day, All!

Yet to start...

#150 In Mechanics A Cam Needs Follower/s; In life, So Eccentrics Need Followers Or ViceVersa!

Good Day, All!

More on cams and followers later. But the analogy looks quite funny to me.

#149 Life Reminds Me Of A Moralistic Story Of A Foolish Sage (?Oxymoron)), Who gave Life To A Lion Died Out Of Hunger!

Good Day, All!

It is not that you are going to die one day and lose your life, but life is lurking outside somewhere to take you at an appropriate time set by it. So, it is your call now! Start running!

To continue...

#148 Being A Sailor, This Job Reminds Of The Story Of Marpa And Milarepa, As said By SadhGuru.

Good Day, All!

                          This is what SadhGuru's video about Marpa-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi7eLmaL1DU and the period is 8th minute to 9th minute where he tells the part I am talking about. In my profession also after we join a ship we work may be only say 8 to 12 hours a day, but we may be called anytime during the rest hours also if any contingency occurs and people available on duty need more hands to take care of the situation and for the last 26 years I work in the management level and chances of being called off-hours were quite common. So it is literally 24x7 and, apparently, sleeping in a shed in the workplace itself. But the advantage(to me it may be considered a mixed-up one) is that while on leave or rather off-hire, after leaving the permanent roster of The Shipping Corporation Of India, you are free to do anything. Say 24x7 free time. To read, to watch movies, to socialize ( My duality allowed me to do it, even though I was not actually sociable within, as I said earlier, divided I stand principle!)

                                                                                           This is quite a similar situation to what Milarepa had faced; spending all your time seeking Dhamma and even other stupid things. By the way, I was never lecherous. Drinking used to make me soberer and literally a waste of money in case I had to pay for it. By the way, I am not into autobiography, or rather I do not believe in such a thing, as I don't think anyone can leave his life as an open book, where it itself is a mystery to himself!

To continue, if I think of adding anything...

#147 You May Trust In God (Forget US Dollar): Do God Find You Trustworthy?

Good day, All!

By the way, it seems that I have to do a bit of study on the US dollar bill!

#146 I Would Like To Know How Far United Nations Has Progressed.

Good Day, All!

                          Because the actual situation may not be known to me, an ordinary man. But the efforts by the USA (even though as policing), I feel was more effective. Contrary to an official and politically formed UN, many other countries also informally join the USA for the same purpose. These are my observations from the early '80s, particularly after being introduced to English music, rather than the movies or books. Grammy and American musical awards were the main focus points those days. I should thank my eldest brother, Mathew for creating this platform for me. The sincerity behind the song "We Are the World" was really unquestionable, but the effect based on charity service was quite or nearly ineffective, considering the target to be achieved. I do not know whether I have mentioned earlier, but poverty is always misunderstood. You lack something you really need is considered poverty and it is entirely understood. But here I see a lot of people who seek something better and more expensive, being literally snobbish. I am not actually against snobbery (a by-product of jealousy), at this stage as it feeds the world, better than any so-called good qualities and charity-based systems. It is read that Steve Jobs said that people can live on basic things and have no need to go for luxury. He himself had created the Apple thing, became an Icon and for a long on luxury business used to feed the world and lead many wars.

                                           The UN concept is a misnomer and was started by (?stupid) people who were too optimistic and euphoric. Even now the formation of the nations is not complete and hardly any changes in the developing/ developed nations list. I think it all started like an 'Alice in Wonderland' situation. Anyway, I can't say that things were too bad, or undo anything, as if things are in shipshape how can a blog writer spend his time. Response or reaction from my side may cause harm to me and not do any good to the world, looking at all the great people six feet under. Time is the healer and let it do its job. By the way, I am only on a relative platform and talking about the world as I see it around me (with due respect to Albert Einstein). I may be taking up the update of the Introductory title I published earlier, which may give better clarity on the scenario I am in.

To continue...

#145 Seeing Is Believing; Yes And No, Seeing Is Only Believing!

Good Day, All!

Business as usual, Yet to start!

#144 All Discoveries; No Inventions!

Good day, All!

Hope I will live enough to take up all these titles!

Best regards,

George A P.

#143 Democracy; A Sweet And Deceitful Word!

#142 An Update To The Title Introduction, Which I Think Is Necessary.

 Good Day, All!


1. Limitations of the human languages with the script (I can't say much about them without script) as they are only approximations and they must be the first science stream humans invented. 

This a tough one and definitely there will be further updates added to the introduction, which anyway shall be understood easily unless the language (I use, or all the human languages in general!) I adapt.

Let me tell you something, it is normally said that If you want to learn more, you better start teaching! Same I found applicable here that by starting to write, I came to know how much I do not know. And as I said earlier, so much had been written and so told or sung or shown I find it very weak to get into this territory and am with a fearful heart. Definitely, the heart is the heart of the matter than the brain, I feel! 

Now the name of this blog was chosen because (I think) after joining sea life all the time I had to sign a statement on my part, it was always included before my signature that the above-said details are true to the best of my knowledge. This made me confused because all that is written is true only and anyway later I realized that from my date of birth to my name to so many other things are made to be believed, then, I know them in the right way. But, later I realized that everything is that way, as the relativity thing caught up with me; or rather I caught up with it. As I said earlier, somewhere, please forget E=MC2 as we have so much energy here and global warming is on!

And the short description is given as "world and me within or me and the world within" is more like fanciful thought like what Alan Parson's Project song "Dream Within a Dream" introduction part. This thought stuck with me from my short-term free lessons given by a true teacher of mine on logical thinking and Hinduism, till he died. My way of relative thinking also helped in this regard but made my life miserable to the core as relativity asks you to be confused all the time and seldom makes you take decisions, maybe only the best part of it. Actually making decisions are not really difficult, but to stay on to make sure unforeseen difficulties are taken care of and retract the full team in case of a defect is unrepairable in the initial decision. I did not get the free Blogspot address as it was taken already and I wanted this to be my name so I had to buy one suggested by the Google domain.

The next one is the titles I use for my posts. Initially, once I started writing I made many drafts, with only titles, which would help me exactly what I wanted to write, as my memory is not very good. Finally, I got a job in my original and only profession and I decided to publish all these titles so that any readers who stumble upon them may get a rough idea about what I may be thinking. As around 20 years back, while working on a ship called MSC Amsterdam, I told my chief engineer that if I blurt out everything I know, all the people may come against me. So I decided not to put any tags at all to lead people here to my site. I got motivated by a Keralite woman's blog and I copied a lot from that site. I got a skeleton from Etzy and as do-it-yourself crazy, I did a few modifications with no previous knowledge, and thanks to a lot many people on the net. Then I found that whatever I write is going to be only a few paragraphs per post and putting short and ambiguous names should not be a good idea. Also mostly I post the title even when I do not have much time or mood to write, it will stay as an onus to complete someday. I was always comfortable with it and hope anyone who reads may not object.

The next issue is my competence level as far as the topics I am dealing with. Basically, I use bits and pieces of information I have read, heard, or viewed, and mostly I can not prove them to be genuine. I can not prove their genuineness by telling where they are written, or reproduced. I actually take everything I come across as a story and check their validity in my life, by logically assessing them. Particularly, History, which I never believe fully and with utmost care use only the skeleton part, and good and bad projected by the historian may not be accepted by me. I never go deep into any particular thing and inversely, I go with all faculties alone, as I feel the earlier method is straying from the objective of life. Forced to live an aimless (apparently) life, life was very challenging, and definitely, others may feel that I am the one who is straying! So please be aware that whatever I am writing is based on simple knowledge/ information specks I have conceived and logically analyzed and projected as some way valid thoughts. Please be very careful when using anything I write. I myself say that no one can be fully right or fully right and the same is applicable to me too. Also, you may note that I am not giving answers, but rather raising posers.

Also, the information I gained over my lifetime (Please do not count the first three years, which I found unusable as said by Sri Sri Ravi Shanker's Art of Living basic course I attended, nearly 30 years back, by reading and all other sorts, I am not sure how much true. Say like in early childhood read somewhere that Science is trying to make a list of things that they do not know, it is actually, about what they have only partial knowledge (yes, to the best of their knowledge they know everything about most, even at that time!). In my secondary exam, I managed nearly 82%, but in my social studies paper containing history and geography, I managed to score 59%. So naturally, here I will have to deal with history, a lot and I am relying on Wikipedia and other sources, and there are definitely other versions too. But then anyway I am not going to, take history with a pinch of salt, rather check its validity before. Anyway, history is nothing but a story about what happened, as suitable to the present, written by someone. So if an argument happens at my home, and if all three of us were asked to write about it, tomorrow, the content of each definitely going to be different. Also, India never got freedom, it only got partitioned, and there was a change of rule from the English and The Kings in India combined. I do not know but always felt that the main target was the Kings than the English. I can not make a proper logical support to that. More like an intuition. And the Kohinoor, the swords of Chhatrapati Shivaji, and all were not looted out of India.

The most important aspect is the datum line or the plane on which I specify that I am standing while making the blog as a whole. I will try to iterate on them, and I can not tell every moment where I am, as I myself may not be aware, and so many things will be contradicting each other. 

They are, Vis,

1. Relativity level with free will

2. All god and No free will/ Budha, Sri Krishna, alchemist

3. Layman, materialistic, pure


Also, I have lived mostly, here in Kerala and the locality where I was born. All my posts are purely based on the outputs of this. I have visited many countries and known their inhabitants superficially. They were better off in many aspects and definitely worked hard on their piece of earth, and they mostly know what is law-abiding, and rule makers were good at their job too, I felt. Rather they are more humane. But I think I know why we are like this and I find my place if put some effort can be better than any other place and the adverse conditions will make me or my son a better human being on the run. People who seek monotony desert this country, and I don't treat them as a brain drain in any way. The basic thing in law enforcement is that there should be more than 99 percent of the people selected should be of high integrity and the ones to select them should be having 101 percent integrity. 

To continue...


{language sadguru intellectual/ confidence, self-esteem knowledge base drug abuse, etc

My knowledge base

Nobody can be fully right / fully wrong

Social reformer

Reality a mirage

freedom of being aimless


commercialization of ideas

Man/ woman rivalry, ease of work- manpower no more needed, woman power can do, why?

Ayn Rand man's profession

Or should it be good vs bad

like theism's four ways of good?}

#141 Fight Till I Die, Or Is It Fight Till I Live?

 Good Day, All!

I think I was a bad learner of English or the so-called Indian English was non-precise and almost harmful. If the latter is the case then, I think we dealt with the English people badly, because of the incompetence in their language. And I do not know, if we really hate the English people, why many of us are still studying and earning in their land. And why I myself is not trying to stop this nonsense and make our country better. I can see a lot of jobs to be carried out. But I think, the Chathurvarnya concept had succeeded or rather reached the end of the road, and the system was such that spirituality was prior. And on the long run achievements faded out and people on this land lost their ability to do physical labour, or rather materialistic life. They had a dislike for blue-collar and want to do only white-collar jobs. As it is managing something to me is an inferior way of getting a job done, but here we all want to be managers. 

To continue..

#140 Give Respect And Take Respect? Need A Bit Of Hooliganism There!

Good Day All!

To start..