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#118 Money And Legal Tender Are Different; From Barter To Here Only Legal Tenders, What Is Money?

 Good Day, All!

I remembered something and just jotted it down. Money may be defined to some extent as a byproduct of action and is in an energy form, which may be converted into any material form which includes legal tenders too. They will act as energy cells which again can be used for action or inaction (both are equally important; but good or bad depending on your vantage point, and if you can manage do not look from others' vantage point). But the main product of action is not yet perceivable by me... 

But I think the idea corresponds to the story of the birds caught in a net, flying together with the net. The Indian word Yoga too in a way relates to that. But at the same time, it has nothing to do with the enlightenment of one or all. By the way, down here, people are crazy about light and  I may repeat that light and darkness, both are dangerous and in this space-time frame, a suitable mixture is needed. Even pertaining to knowledge, lack of it also needed to stay grounded. Just imagine if you know your past and future(the present does not exist as time is flying), do you think you can do anything? Forget the capability of the human mind to sustain that condition. Coming back to the birds trapped; birds understand better and their language may be superior, but we are left with Babel; no need to believe in the bible, just consider it as a fable. Actually, that is what we are!

To continue...

Few threads need to be elaborated;

About the story of the birds, it was not a team work like we know of as the there was no competition going on and even the one who cast the net is not in the picture. But we normally go for the team work and do it well. But who knows; the team which manage to fly away with the net may be the loser, I don't know. But beware spies etc. Or rather Trojan horses and other malwares.. 

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