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#112 I Think Material Science Has Achieved The Status Of Religion, Eventually!

Dear all, Good day!

And I think it is going to stay, stay much longer than any other religion. First and foremost reason; the occult science associated with all other religions is not there, or not evident or visible. The basic foundation of materialism was laid by Gauthama Budha and further strengthened by Jesus Christ. Sometime before I published a title saying there is either materialism. It was in an absolute theory I had at that time. 

         Now coming to the other religions, please don't think that they are dead. Even the ones of Aborigines! It may be the actual foundation and like the roots of a tree, which no one will see or even bother. And that way it is good as otherwise, it may destroy the tree. And I don't think they are made not to bother about external acknowledgements. Maybe they get acknowledged by the tree! People at the top of present-day science also maybe doing ditto. They make the ground on which our science stands. This world is pure magic, realised. Science had struggled and lot many people and living beings struggled to make it up here. I have a copy of Harper Collins's "How Things Work" two-part book. I could never read even a bit of it, but it is enough to know the mental and physical strain people have gone through. And definitely, you can't see them as magic; that is the beauty of it. 

                                               By the way let me mention human language here, too. I feel everything material and living have a language. It may be considered similar to the machine language of a computer. Even a foetus in the womb must be using that. After being born he/ she takes 2 to 3 years to adapt that language to the human language being used around. Maybe the story of Babel in the Bible happened in real. 

                               There is a story about magnetic levitation. It says if the wheel was not invented and levitation had been invented earlier world could have progressed much more. No comments. Similarly, even though I have no idea about the machine language of the mind, our languages are pretty blunt and even a high-end intellectual can't do any dissection(thanks to Sri. Sadhguru!) 

To be continued..... 

PS. I still manage to do a lot of surgery anyway, break idols, put them back in shape, and may even manage to give life to them! Just joking... 

Also noted is that Murphy's law has to be shelved as it has an occult nature, as it looks to me. On second thoughts, Murphy's law can not be termed as a law, as it is a distorted version of the postulate in Physics that there is no perpetual moving machine. And it is the foundation on which physics is built. Whether it is invalid in any space-time frame needs to be investigated. Also if we go to the etymology of the word cognizance, electrical and electronics engineering it became literally impossible to grasp the logic behind things just by looking. And I think Murphy's law popped up at this juncture as electronics engineers claimed that their inventions are not fallible. But anyway I am not going further with that too will be an endless process.

Shall continue...


Thinking is not an action or inaction as I feel and it is a natural process. Or if it is not followed by physical labor. Even Jesus confirms on that and failure of sciences managed to achieve Religionhood, I feel is that. But the present day material science has both and learns from both and manage to co-exist with all. So I said this one is here to stay. And may be Heaven can wait...

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