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#109 A Small Interlude Which Is Necessary.

 Dear All, Good day!

                                 I drafted this title by the end of August, and as I thought I should give a short explanation, I did not publish it straight away. I knew I was publishing just titles, which are seemingly stupid, crazy or even insane, without any elaboration. Actually, when I started this blog, my intention was to try my hand at writing and thereby earn some money as I was jobless at that time. I soon realised that it is not going to work out, but in the meantime, I have already made a lot of titles, in such a way that it will be easier for me to elaborate on them later and also I will remember these topics. At that juncture, I got back my job, and I decided to publish all these titles and stopped writing. Later on, as I got time I started elaborating on the ones I could and added many more too. But immediately after making this title, my life had become quite tough and I couldn't write at all. I hope I will be able to continue writing from now onwards, for some time. I am planning to set up a new foundation for my thought process in the next title and then take up elaborate on earlier titles and add new titles.

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year in advance,

George A P,


