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#105 Who Blindfolded Justitia? She Needed Her Vision More Than Anything.

Good day, all!

Let me just start this one, at least, and never finish it! 

                      By the way, Justitia is a Goddess and those guys are not supposed to err or fall for sycophancy, favoritism, and all those sorts of things as far as I know. As I said earlier, they have to follow a certain modus operandi. Look at the sun God who is working day and night, at the same time the system is arranged so that we the, lesser ones get some time to sleep. So suspecting Justitia in the matter of justice must be a criminal offense. The lesson to be learned is never to compare humans with God! This is the same feeling I had while reading Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" maybe 30 years back. Even when I promised that in case he shrugs, I will get down from this damn thing blah.. blah... was posted earlier somewhere. Because, from Ayn Rand's point of view everything is going haywire, but Atlas may feel that things can't be better than this!

           And as far as I know, vision can grasp or be able to listen to so many things compared to all other senses put together. Even recently, I was put through some relatively tough times and I had to tell and really feel that I can listen with my eyes. Can detect lies, even when they are said and you hear them using your ears. How stupid of human thinking to deprive Justitia of her vision, at least, symbolically. By the way, all these are for people who like and learn from stories and believe in Gods and Demons (at least theoretically)!

To continue...

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