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#100 Slaves Are Essential To Make a Master And Thereby, Mastery!

#099 Nobody Wants Any Master Around; Still Mastery Of Anything Considered Greatest Attribute!

#098 The Term " Absolute Zero Degree Kelvin" Makes Me Laugh!


#097 Human Against Computer; Bots Against Human; God Against Bots And Computer?

Good Day, All!

#096 Fear Is The Key- Alistair MacLean; But I Feel Fear Is A Master Key!

#095 There Is Something Really Serious About Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels!

#094 Elixir, Alchemy And Philosopher's Stone!

#093 An Idle Brain Is The Devil’s Workshop; I Found It Very Difficult To Keep My Brain Idle & I Don't Think I Have Come Across One Who Can!

 Dear All, Good Day!

                                     Maybe the person who said this adage was pointing at a lazy person. But a lazy one may be physically inactive, but that need not represent his brain's activity. Also The Devil, too prefer some brainy person, so that his plans could be understood well and executed. Instead of the idle-brained one, I may go for an irresponsible(to the society) and unethical one. To be continued...

#092 Making A Computer-Based Lie Detector Today; Biometric & Internet Assisted.

#091 The Gravest Crime A Human Being Commits; And It Looks So Innocent!

#090 "I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!" (Matthew 19:24)

 Dear All, Good Day!

                                     This verse along with the parable by Jesus about the rich man and Lazarus affected me in my early childhood, say 7-8 years. These in a way led to my aversion to amassing power, wealth and money, as much, all along my life. Even now I take the same stand. 

                                                          I don't know how, but I never felt that my father who was one of the richest in my village will go to hell, maybe, because he was empathetic and a philanthropist. He had only 5 years of schoolgoing, but I always found him quite wise. His knowledge level regarding international affairs was also quite high. I still don't know how, but those days, every month 'Soviet Union', the national magazine of the Soviet Union and 'Span', the national magazine of the USA were received by post in my home. By the 1980s both stopped, but.

                                             But the Bible affected me in such a way that, I remained a partisan of the poor. Only by, say at the age of 48, did I realise that the survival of the poor was always taken care of by the rich with their actions than my, menial financial support and good words.  Slowly it dawned on me that, the Sun, Wind and the Rain clouds give us rain which is very vital. Water from the sea is purified and collected and showered over lands which require them. Even the rich are doing the same thing. The system they run gives employment and money to people so they have their daily bread and more. (I may write later that employment is more important than the wages you get, for a good human being). even when the rich go luxurious and snobbish, a lot of money gets permeated down to lower strata.

                           I started supporting rich and poor, and newer stand of finding a way to differentiate between good and bad. Simply neglecting, religion, region, language, skills, fame, power, and whatnot! I am only a nationalist only to see the nation is remaining a nation, otherwise for the world. I think I have managed to convey something and may add something later, which shall be updated in the revision notes.

PS. All relative to the present days and I can not say exactly, the validity of these views at the time Jesus lived, thanks.

Thanks and Best Regards,

George A P,

Kochi, Kerala, India,

19th June 2022.


#089 By The Way, 'False Prophet' Is An Oxymoron.

#088 “Do not judge, or you will be judged" (Bible, Luke-6:37-42,1). But If You Are Not Afraid Of Getting Judged, You Can Go Ahead!

 Good day, All!

                           What I meant to say, basically, is that If you don't judge yourself or others for a substantial period of time, you may lose your inherent quality to judge. And it may lead to a situation, where, you may have to call upon somebody to make judgements on your behalf. So the said threatening verse will automatically become valid. Hope the situation is clear to you. Also, I am in a way, have used the ambiguity of the English language in my favour. The 'You can go ahead' - a term I used to have more than its literal meaning, but practically too makes you go ahead in your life!

                                                          And also people make mistakes between judgement and execution. Actually, you can practice judging on a regular basis, from different vantage points, without making the execution part. The person or situation you are judging need not be aware of your thoughts. Actually, every decision you make is a judgement and generally, the ability to make a decision is known to be good quality. If you are afraid of judging, how can you be a good decision maker? For my part I make decisions very rarely and when it is absolutely necessary. I normally go with the current and I know it is a little bit risky. Or maybe, I more or less hold my position, and rarely swim against the current. 

 To be continued...

#087 The Horse Of Sacrifice.

#086 Beware; A Story Once Started, May Never End! It May Even Take The Form Of Reality! Horrifying.

#085 I Am, For Blind Faith And, An Agnostic Theist!

#084 I Felt Bad When As A Sailor(Human) I Was Asked to Do A One Day Course On Personal Safety And Social Responsibility!

#083 May Be Bill Gates Was Unknowingly Doing A Divine Charity Already, By Running Microsoft?

#082 Are We Re-Living Our Life? So déjà vu?

#081 I Wonder Why Jerusalem And Haifa Are In Israel!

 Good Day, All!

When the ship M V State Of Tripura, owned by Shipping Corporation Of India, arrived in Haifa a day in 1996 late in the evening, for a short stay, I wanted to go to Jerusalem, taking a French leave. I was working as the first assistant to the Chief Engineer, who was an elderly Malayali, settled in Chennai, Named T B Srinivasan. But after berthing the main control room air conditioner failed due to a shortage of cooling sea-water supply to the system due to chocking of the pipeline. We needed it to run prior to sailing out from Haifa and I told my chief engineer to go and visit Jerusalem and I will stay back and get the job done with my crew. So we finished the job by 0200 Hrs the next day and I just went for a stroll on the streets of Haifa, without knowing anything much about Haifa. By the way, I am very poor in History and Geography and always in the engine room or accommodation and never had to see the navigational maps, even now I can not tell which country/ continent in which part of the spherical thing. But my son of 18 years is good at it and he clears my doubts easily. So as I have mentioned in my earlier posts somewhere, I visited Lotus Temple in Delhi and came to know Bahais too. But I didn't know when I set my foot at Haifa, it is the headquarters of Bahais. Now this much as a prologue and let me come to the topic.

                                    Baháʼu'lláh claimed himself as a representative of God and what Jesus Christ used was never too conspicuous. Either way, it was good enough to bring fear in the bad guys; by the way who is not bad here? So all went and killed them. The clever ones who were sure of the end result stayed calm and got away without any blood stains on their hands or mind.

To continue...

#080 May Be The Serpent Was Not Lying to Eve!

#079 The Science Of Making Money And The Art Of Spending Money; Both Are Vital!

#078 Postulates, Postulates, Postulates! Who Had The Brains To Say They Are Postulates? Theorems Made Of Postulates Shall Remain Postulates!

#077 Is United States Coast Guard Setting Up Grounds For Another Atlantis!

#076 Better To Search For The Untruth Than Truth, In Everything You Perceive!

#-075 It is High Time We Understand Truly How Automation Works!

#074 We Don't Own The World. But You(Singular) Own Your World & You Better Take Care Of It!

 Dear All, Good Day!

Courtesy to the music group 'Scorpions' reference to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FQqLngQAGQ

To be continued...

#073 Finding A Viable Solution May Be Easy, But Knowing The Problem Is Not!

#072 There May Be A Semi-Permeable Membrane Between Left & Right Brains; At Least As Far As Thoughts Are Concerned!

#071 It Seems Prometheus Made An Error In His Operation And There Is A Blackout In Heavens!

#070 I Do Not Know What I Am and I Do Not What I Am Not!

#069 I Am Still Confused About Whether Time Is A Property Of Life Or Life Is A Property Of Time!

#068 I Am Not Here To Reform Others But to Reform Myself And I Only Can Assess My Level Of Reformation. Indirectly It May Reform Others.

#067 I Do Not Know Which Fool Said Knowledge Is Power!

#066 Union Is The Out Thing And Seclusion Is The In Thing! A Clear No No To Conquests!

#065 Maybe Nero Was Doing The Right Thing!

#064 For The Social Reformers; Don't Try To Stop Anything Without Knowing Fully What It Is!

#063 Moses Was Wrong And Abraham Lincoln May Turn Over In His Grave.

#062 If You Can't See God's Signature on Everything You see, You Are Not A Theist!

#061 God, The Ultimate Protagonist!