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#058 Crime And Punishment.

 Dear All, Good Morning from this part!

                                        This title actually, I wanted to put it under the post "Root Cause Analysis..." but decided to take it as a new post and may get rid of the other one. 

                                             The term attracted my attention by the book by Fyodor Dostoevsky, which I never could read and do not know the essence of the book. Actually reading Herman Hesse's books in the late 80s, holding the book in one hand and the dictionary in the other hand because the translator wanted to use accurate English words for the original German ones, caused an aversion in me to read translated books. And I always thought that the book shall be telling something like punishment's unsuitability in the justice system. But later referring internet I came to the conclusion that it is not.

                                      Now let me have a look at the root cause analysis and the no-blame culture of the Japanese. To me, it came while working onboard the National Shipping company of Japan(Nippon Yoson Kaisho; Japanese Postal Corporation), and any failure onboard the ship is investigated to find the root cause( For a believer, land up with the God, but I think Japanese are safer that way!) and involved parties are not blamed or punished so that the truth may come out. On the basis of these corrective measures in the system or additional training given to the crew. Worst case scenario the crew member may not be employed and he will be free to work with any other company. This I found a beautiful Justice system, which will enrich the world!

                                                                      Now the next question to myself is am I a law-abiding person. The answer is no! Just because to be a law-abiding person I should know all the laws myself or have some reference medium with me always, which should provide me with the answer within an adequate time period. I don't know the laws of my land or have been to many countries and am totally unaware of the legality or legal lacunae involved. Only my common sense saved me to write this from my home, alive! The onus of this situation can not be put on the constraints of language- please note the point.

              Now let me jump forward and tell something which may be made clear on the way. Now the symbol of justice used is Justicia(Blind-folded or not) and Themis and they definitely represent the Justice like many as in the case of Jean Valjean. But presently, as I can see sitting here, we should change the symbol to God Nemesis. Retribution is the in thing and Justitia and Themis may go to Hell! I think, again from my point of view, we all go for the criminal to support the victim. We don't realise that the first victim is the criminal itself. The complainant is only a secondary victim. What led the criminal, a human being to do something nasty is the failure of society. Symbiotism is supposed to be an inherent quality of human society and if fails all efforts should be taken by the system to do the corrective measure. All over nature, it's there and even the parasites and their victims all follow this if you look deeper. Only humans have the capacity to break it because they seek more of everything! It's basically the Judaism working, God/Devil combination. We may have to find our way without beating any of them! The rules to be followed are theirs; there is nothing good or bad, again the relativity wins!

                                               So when somebody commits an offence and is brought before the judiciary, it is very clear that judges/ lawyers/ witnesses and all related won't do such a thing. Why this particular person had done it that is the issue to be investigated. Instead we, if possible kill him to make the complainant happy, that too for his/ her preconceived idea. Whereas all the issues or most of them as a result of the offence stay unattended. Frankly speaking, this system is the oldest maybe and quite rusted and weak. Do good and go to heaven and bad go to hell. And we say we have progressed. 

                  The best part of the law is that at least religion insists on doing good, but our law doesn't say that, but implicitly gives some options. If you break a law and get caught and proven guilty in court you may be punished. Don't get caught and if get caught, don't leave enough traces, then you are a free bird! This makes the law armless or of the short arm. What a fallacy!

                                                        There is much more to say under this title, but I can't recollect all. I may append as it suits. 

Thanks and Best Regards,

George A P,


Kerala, India.

17th May 2022.



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