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#053 May Be Mind Can Only Listen; and Hear And Decipher!

 Dear All, Good Morning!

                                          Happy Easter and "Vishu"(New Year in our part of India- to anyone new to this word) in advance(many reasons, most important whether I will be alive to wish you the penultimate day). In the Hindi speaking states, they have an adage, that if you get frightened, you are already dead. I counter it by saying that the one who formed it was already afraid of death. For me, I am here to die and the target is death, and others decide whether it is a respectable one or not. But to me any death is respectable. Anybody's too. And I do not know whether I succeed as I can tell you a story matching this situation. While I was a junior engineer on a bulk carrier named M V GangaSagar in 1991, there was a table tennis board on the ship and the senior officers decided to conduct a match and I wanted to be opted out as I didn't know ping pong and the Master K D writer, a Parsi Gentleman also literally in the same boat. So the in the first match I had to play him and we both were trying very hard to lose, but finally, I won the match and he was very happy and even though I won the match practically but I lost in reality, only as far as I am concerned. I think I am deviating but can't help it. Also as I can say there are only suicides and murders. There is no natural death. And I am not brave enough to commit suicide and may God send someone to murder me! Not going to elaborate on it now, but. Sorry I forgot, two guys(brothers) WD& HO Wills were born much earlier to trap me and succeeded, and I am on the way slowly to become a cancer patient and die. Presently I smoke their Honeydew Gold Flake mini, I do not know how many a day! In between, they shifted the onus on Ardath State Express 555 ones. God knows why he deputes the English people against me! Even though I estranged lot of people on the way, but they have to die and come back to accomplish that, it seems, but they are also in the same trap as mine!

                                      Also, there is one more thing that frightens me is that one great poet of Malayalam, Kunchan Nambyar wrote a poem called 'Kalanillatha Kalam" meaning that the time when the God of death(Shiva) is no more. He elaborates on it and it is really frightening!

                                    Here in India most sages and recently Gurus try to differentiate the mind, soul, life energy etc, etc. I can not follow that because I respect modern science(except biology- I only believe in it, that too when absolutely necessary) also very much and anything outside the boundary of least distance of distinct vision and Horizon as seen by naked eyes. So I don't really care how many kidneys or hearts I have, till I am alright! So my mind is me and my body is its armour. All the sensory organs are given to me to protect me and not to use as a primary means of enjoyment. Taste buds are given to identify poisonous substances and now we are accustomed to a lot of poisonous things and we are enjoying those slow killers. Frankly speaking, there is no poison we can dis-avoid but we just fall prey to them because of our own stupidity. But definitely, they help us die and get rid of this body in case it becomes weak   Living itself is a pleasure even in severe conditions then why do you seek more of it! Then, what else to seek will be a good question at this juncture and seek whatever you feel like shall be the answer. Anyway, we come least equipped and want to conquer the universe and beyond and definitely, start with bread and butter, cloth and house, inbuilt procreational stuff without even knowing what it is. On the way, you will have to learn a lot to become wise or unwise. Ornamental stuff will always be there if find enough time.

                                                               I am finding this Grammarly quite disturbing and I gathered her along after Swiftly's predictions and now I feel like writing another "Bhajagovindam" like Swamy Aaadi Shankaracharya had written when he found an elderly guy teaching grammar whereas he should prepare himself for his upcoming death. Even Herman Gundert had struggled a lot to restructure Malayalam(Which makes a palindrome when spelt in English), and English also can not be structured from American English to Indian English to any English. Structuring is needed only for Computers and humans can manage without it.

                                                                                Coming back to the title, I feel that everything we feel is transferred to some signal and the mind does something very close to hearing and then deciphers it and sends out signals and feeling to the armour parts. Maybe adrenalin pumping or heart pulse rate or breathing rate changes, happiness sadness, happiness etc. That is why things like sadism, masochism and anything in between are there. Here I should cover another post titled "Vox Populi Vox Dei". Initially, I thought it is about a Democracy thing but later realised that it is about anything decipherable said by human beings past, present and future, as we can't understand other beings' language as far as I know. So whatever you perceive is heard by the mind and so the title. There are so many other things but I think my brain's registry is corrupted right now. Avast keep asking to buy registry cleaner for my PC, but I should ask them to make one for my brain!

Thanks for all and best regards and a Happy Easter,

George A P,



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