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#054 Hot News!!! Natives Are Out To Destroy Us!

 Good Morning All!

                                   Better Run to death or stay put and accept it. We started surrendering with all the green movements, but better start the white movement(which actually is the colour of death), and I do not know what it is. Better find out, if you wanna live!

                     I always knew that I am missing the point always and can't hit the bull's eye! Somewhere along we neglected the natives(Aborigins, Red Indians and many more). I always wondered why conquests and wars, and noticed that all done by proud and envious people and the title warning is more important to those of us and others who can surrender easily. And as usual, learn more from them and start the war again, because, there are a lot of proud and envious ones we do care for! There was a parallel reason for the conquests, that the natives get a chance to unite, or at least transfer data amongst themselves. We were like a spatula in their hands. And we act as their, spies, smugglers, police army and everything for them. We are slaves, still and Moses maybe was a fool, apparently. Maybe he never rolled and caught a lot of moss and considered himself, a mountain. No blasphemy, intended; or don't drink it raw, add some water, no, no; no real dihydrogen mono oxide, plain water will do!

      I wrongly said puppets and puppeteer earlier. but I feel they have a voodoo puppet for each of us and I do not know whether, the needles are simple ones, hot or poisoned or altogether. If so I am also under the spell and please don't kill me, please! I better say, they don't know what they are doing and I do not know what I am doing!

                                          I was always interested in names and to me, every word is a name and; no male, female, adjective, adverb, proper name, verb, etc. I was actually never worried about covid-19, but I was about the Name Corona Virus! Are we entering the doors of the Sun, or some life-form from the Sun is coming out to kill us? Whichever way!

                                                                                 So I am checking my side whether I am sitting on a throne and if so better stand till the natives' representative/s come. Applicable particularly to the three entities, got the special mention in the Thank You note somewhere before, Vis, Intel, Microsoft, and Google, Apple is okay, and maybe Steve Jobs will be their Alexander!

                                                                                              I am sorry I have to make repair work on a seemingly poor worker's Bosch cordless drill machine battery pack and definitely Bosch won't like it. Sitting, (sorry I am standing now!) at the edge of the world, why should I care!

Thanks and Best Regards,

George A P,




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