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#052 Holy Cow! Am I one Too? Definitely Not Holy!

Dear All, Good Morning!
                                        Before starting let me point out something that someone( If at all anyone is reading; or at least for the Bots as per Google analytics!) might have noticed. I have added a shortcut to the Revision Status/ Notes post( Google calls it a gadget; quite a funny word, I feel!).
                      Now, coming back to the title, I may go in the reverse order. So, I am not holy, because I started stealing from my dad's pocket at the age of 8 and at 9 I forged my mother's signature to join a book library nearby. I can't say it was a forgery actually because I have never seen her signing anywhere or her signature anywhere. Maybe that was the only signature in her name, and I didn't have to think twice to draw a cross as I expected it to be. And it worked like a charm! Even for the confession for the first holy communion at 10, I amassed four sins vis; stealing money, fighting with others, lying a bit, and disobeying elders. These sins still stand valid and active. So assume that I am not a saint.                                                                                                                So, how can I be a cow, unholy? It is actually the ruminating( chewing the cud) part. Few animal varieties do the rumination, and in this part of the world cows are more and I think they do it quite voraciously and so I chose the cow. Cows eat whatever comes in their way and later they manage to draw out partially processed food back into their mouth and check each and every item or maybe packet if anything is found unsuitable, shall be rejected, and others are put back into the furnace. This itself is sufficient to consider a cow holy and whatever milk or waste generated from the cow is considered good.
                         And I am just a human being and I can't do this on the physical level. But I do eat anything anybody tells, almost without letting them know that I know of their intentions. I don't react or even respond to anything. Even if I do I do it quite elvishly, even though an imp is working within. I make a registry of each data packet and secure them so that they can be retrieved and analysed. So most people find me a fool, but I don't consider myself a fool or intelligent. To be an intellectual was definitely my aim and I thought maybe one day I will attain enough wisdom to reach that level. Since the registry is made I can take out these packets as soon and reach a decision that will never be a conclusion. I don't jump, walk or crawl to conclusions unless I have to act on the basis of it. I may make minor alterations in my behaviour based on the observations, and the judgement shall be made only if I need to act. Till then I wait for the conclusion to come to me, if at all. I can say I still analyse things that happened 52 years, my earliest memory, and try to get some clues about things that are happening right now around me. 
     Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes stories, presumably said that we should remember only what we need to remember. But then I found that what I need tomorrow, I do not know. And as it is I do not memorise anything much. Again a cow comes into the picture, like, in our place when cows are taken for grazing, they are tied to a tree or pole with a sufficiently long rope, so that they can't go away and cause harm to themselves or other peoples' property. So I also remember names, members etc attaching themselves to easily retrievable numbers, names, peculiarities etc. Only some identity document numbers and phone numbers etc are memorised. Now with the Google God, I remember only a few things and my RAM and ROM are quite free, but I don't let them idle and started going into science, religion, philosophy(? can't say that word if its meaning in Sanskrit is Vedanta- because for limited capacity human Veda can not end!), history. geography still evades me, even though I sailed all over the world. May be because I was in the Engine Room most of the time.
Time for a coffee, cigarette and sleep and I hope I have conveyed something.
Thanks and best regards,
George A P,

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