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#051 Beware Of Your Belongings!

 Good Evening All!
                               Quite absurd it is. But this I found way back in the 1990s displayed near the manager's counter of one hotel near Flora Fountain of Mumbai(also known as Hutatma Chowk) where I used to go for lunch. It was obviously intended to remind customers not to forget to take care of their belongings while on the hotel premises or leaving it. But, definitely, it was written erratically, engraved on a glossy brass plate. Even then it was serving the purpose, and apparently, no one had noticed it. Linguistically it has done its job and that's all it matters and I too never bothered to disturb the manager about it.
                                                                                                                      But after say 27 years, I feel this notice is very much valid as it was displayed. Yes, the knowledge, property and people you acquired can cause harm/ work against you, if you are not too careful with them. That's all I can say now.
                                    By the way, I have made some modifications to this blog, by arranging the post "Revisions Status/ Notes about the Posts" to some extent with hyperlinks to open each post on a new page and the date of any update will be mentioned on top of the post subject, and next to the concerned post/s name/s.
Thanks and Best Regards,
George A P,
30th, March 2022,

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