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#049 Neighbour's Envy; Owner's Pride!

Dear All, Good evening from this part of the world!
                 I started writing this blog to try my hand at writing, as I lost my job as a marine engineer due to health issues basically. But I managed to spring back and so, I stopped writing and published all my planned posts' drafts just to give a rough idea about my thought stream. Now, alas, I am back to square one, without a job, just because of my extremely bad habit of standing my ground, which is not an easy job today. By the way, in the meantime, luckily I managed to find a plausible answer to what I was seeking( probably you all might have noticed that most of my posts' heading was questions; answers to which I did not have and it remains so even now). Or if I tell the answer I have it will not even be palpable, because everything is right and wrong at the same time! I myself can't stay stabilized on that thought level. 
                                                                      Only two instances match with that, vis, Alan Parson's Projects song "Dream Within a Dream, based on Edgar Alan Poe's poem and Budha's Teachings I have read taking a whole week when I had to mostly idle at a Singapore Hotel, before joining a container ship, NYK Kai. Both mention that this is an illusionary world and humans' free will is non-existent. Budha retreated, thinking that this thought if spread can put the responsibility of all actions of humans on something supernatural and laws of the world can crash! Okay, I forgot, in Hinduism Supreme mother goddess is mentioned as this illusionist, which too resembles this path of thinking. I would say all these are just magic where we are all the objects used(living and non-living) and the objects also feel whatever is going on around them!
                                                                                           As my writing skills are not really good and what I write is of no commercial value, I still continued this as self-talk, which may help my thought process. Even when I made it audible to some, it did not manage to gain any attention, as people I know consider me as an eccentric, which actually I am, too! But google stats say some people are accessing this site, for which I have never added any tags or say baits. Maybe the stats are erratic.
                                                                      As I have mentioned I can't talk about anything and the only thing I can do is talk or act on what is right in front of me. But, I came across this title catchphrase "Neighbours'  Envy; Owner's Pride!" for an Indian Television brand of the '80s, which glorified snobbery, and tempter, the Devil, was all over. And the latest one Apple's iPhones also have the bitten apple, which Biblically represents the devilish intervention. I am sorry if I am wrong but I don't think in Genesis, it is mentioned God created Devil and then from where he managed to appear and take the form of a serpent(?why poor serpent). Also, God as a term is worn out badly over the period of time for mankind which followed patriarchy mostly. So gods and Goddesses are there for polytheists and for monotheists God and a Devil, apparently stronger for this world. Naturally, people started worshipping it also, definitely for gains and not giving back much! I think even the devil expects you to be thankful and honest. But as per Judaism if one can trust Wikipedia God and the Devil are companions and work in tandem for a better world. So at this juncture, it may be better to find a name for their enterprise which may truly represent the predominant supernatural element. And the adjectives omnipotent and omniscient etc may suit it, but I won't go for the almighty stuff. Because it has to have a modus operandi and it has to strictly adhere to it. It has to follow previously approved/ proven to work laws of sciences; religion also was a science, even now it works, but to a lesser extent due to loss of expertise.
               Present-day science also is seeking the presence of it, and all along mankind was doing it, let it be of any geographical location or they have a fully formed language, etc etc. Here in India the cast system abhorred by many people of late, but I have a clue about its origin. As read, chathurvarnya superior people were formed brahmin ones and others were formed similarly, forced by brahmins. But my version is that initially all were in good unison and they wanted to create a system to seek the supernatural! Brahmins will do the seeking part, Kshatriya will guard the society, Vaishya may be doing business in a wider sense, farming etc and Shudra will take care of the menial jobs. The best ever master plan after nature's male/ female division(more on that later).
                                                       The word Prarthana if you google it may get the meaning as prayer and it is generally accepted. But in Sanskrit if you go with etymology it is to become one with something, say the God. Also, Sanskrit is not a naturally evolved language and was artificially created for some purpose. The same goes to present-day English, which also attained the status of Sanskrit, the way it was used for the creation of the Computer.
                                                                                                   Let me skip to the Arya/ Dravid issue which is the earliest human rivalry I feel. I propose they were one and got separated through a violent method or a peaceful one, but it made both incapacitated and finally, Indus valley and Egypt made them come up to a sustainable level. Dravids were for polytheism, and they created may 33 crore Gods with Aditi as their mother and they somehow managed to tap their energies again and are better off, in some way. While the Arayas were into monotheism, with Judaism as a starting point and many things churned out of it like Muslim(few versions) and Christianity(maybe more than 2000 versions and still going strong!) Christianity in away went for Trinity thing and swayed from monotheism and was able to spread either side. Monotheism, from what I also followed greatly along with polytheism, is an impossible task and it is like Richard Bach's book name'Bridge Across forever" and return back and telling the story may be impossible! Madam Blavatsky along with Henry Steel Olcott was also trying to assist monotheism, naming the ultimate thing as Truth, which is not the antonym of the lie, or revelation of something hidden etc. First Higgs Boson was actually by Annie Beasant and others on Jiddu Krishna Moorthy which terribly backfired.
                                                      Now about the war between Russia and Ukraine, I have no clue what is actually behind it, but contrary to Gandhi's non-violence I prefer wars because I find more honesty in it. Even Guerilla warfares of Vietnam was good. Somebody is attacking you and you tell him that if he tries to kill you, you will commit suicide, actually, you make the job easier for him and he can go scot-free!
                     Writing from India, there is so, so much and I may take leave now, but let me say a few more things. We are all unique pieces and equality is not approachable even in a utopian land. Man to man equality is not there actually and how can somebody seek man-woman equality. They are complementary and shall remain so. Power is a no-no thing for human beings unless they are on the slavery side. Another Moses may come to save them. Energy is the important thing. A car with the ability to develop so much power, without fuel in its tank is worthless. Even with fuel to start moving and go to its full power you need some sort of slip-clutch and gear arrangement.
                     And here we are actually tied up to three words vis, Freedom, Independence, and Pride. The first two are non-existent, particularly in today's world. The third one can go up to a limited level above self-esteem, but after that, it can hurt people around you, and that was the topic of this post actually. But anyway, people have become quite callous and it drives the society well now, by Gods' grace, I feel.
                   The people who seek happiness are either unhappy now( In which case find out why and do necessary action, whatever possible) or they are addicted to happiness and they need to search for a de-addiction centre and not happiness!
                                                                      Liberation in this part many say from birth-death cycle, which is the bondage. This actually I don't understand as I have no idea whether I lived before or shall live again after my death(still remain a myth to me!). But from what I can see that the Aryas and Dravids(I mean the human race all, or the so-called educated ones) shun physical labour and always they managed to make things to do that for them, but I think we are too greedy. And some books say unhappiness is greed, or maybe vice versa. That's all for the time being.
Thanks and best regards and hope the war going on will end without rapes and rape based genocide. Deaths and other material losses are acceptable from my point of view.
George A P,
27th, February 2022,
Kochi, Kerala, India.

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