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#109 A Small Interlude Which Is Necessary.

 Dear All, Good day!

                                 I drafted this title by the end of August, and as I thought I should give a short explanation, I did not publish it straight away. I knew I was publishing just titles, which are seemingly stupid, crazy or even insane, without any elaboration. Actually, when I started this blog, my intention was to try my hand at writing and thereby earn some money as I was jobless at that time. I soon realised that it is not going to work out, but in the meantime, I have already made a lot of titles, in such a way that it will be easier for me to elaborate on them later and also I will remember these topics. At that juncture, I got back my job, and I decided to publish all these titles and stopped writing. Later on, as I got time I started elaborating on the ones I could and added many more too. But immediately after making this title, my life had become quite tough and I couldn't write at all. I hope I will be able to continue writing from now onwards, for some time. I am planning to set up a new foundation for my thought process in the next title and then take up elaborate on earlier titles and add new titles.

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year in advance,

George A P,




#108 I Feel All Senses Are Given For Survival Purpose Only. But Can, Delaying The Death, Be Considered As Survival?

#107 I Feel, From The Evolutionary Stage Of Languages We Strayed a Lot. Same With All Sciences!

#106 I Think Judaism Is Full On; God & Devil LLP Is Floated!

 Dear All, good day!

#105 Who Blindfolded Justitia? She Needed Her Vision More Than Anything.

Good day, all!

Let me just start this one, at least, and never finish it! 

                      By the way, Justitia is a Goddess and those guys are not supposed to err or fall for sycophancy, favoritism, and all those sorts of things as far as I know. As I said earlier, they have to follow a certain modus operandi. Look at the sun God who is working day and night, at the same time the system is arranged so that we the, lesser ones get some time to sleep. So suspecting Justitia in the matter of justice must be a criminal offense. The lesson to be learned is never to compare humans with God! This is the same feeling I had while reading Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" maybe 30 years back. Even when I promised that in case he shrugs, I will get down from this damn thing blah.. blah... was posted earlier somewhere. Because, from Ayn Rand's point of view everything is going haywire, but Atlas may feel that things can't be better than this!

           And as far as I know, vision can grasp or be able to listen to so many things compared to all other senses put together. Even recently, I was put through some relatively tough times and I had to tell and really feel that I can listen with my eyes. Can detect lies, even when they are said and you hear them using your ears. How stupid of human thinking to deprive Justitia of her vision, at least, symbolically. By the way, all these are for people who like and learn from stories and believe in Gods and Demons (at least theoretically)!

To continue...

#104 God Created The Integers- Stephen Hawking; I Thought God Created All!

#103 Truth Behind Magic Is Science & Truth Behind Science Is Magic! Miracles Are Just Accidental Coincidence Of Incidents.

#102 To Me, Lot Was A Real Nasty Guy! But Job was A Gem Of A Character!

#101 Absolute Reference- Human Mind; & Think Out Of The Box?

#100 Slaves Are Essential To Make a Master And Thereby, Mastery!

#099 Nobody Wants Any Master Around; Still Mastery Of Anything Considered Greatest Attribute!

#098 The Term " Absolute Zero Degree Kelvin" Makes Me Laugh!


#097 Human Against Computer; Bots Against Human; God Against Bots And Computer?

Good Day, All!

#096 Fear Is The Key- Alistair MacLean; But I Feel Fear Is A Master Key!

#095 There Is Something Really Serious About Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels!

#094 Elixir, Alchemy And Philosopher's Stone!

#093 An Idle Brain Is The Devil’s Workshop; I Found It Very Difficult To Keep My Brain Idle & I Don't Think I Have Come Across One Who Can!

 Dear All, Good Day!

                                     Maybe the person who said this adage was pointing at a lazy person. But a lazy one may be physically inactive, but that need not represent his brain's activity. Also The Devil, too prefer some brainy person, so that his plans could be understood well and executed. Instead of the idle-brained one, I may go for an irresponsible(to the society) and unethical one. To be continued...

#092 Making A Computer-Based Lie Detector Today; Biometric & Internet Assisted.

#091 The Gravest Crime A Human Being Commits; And It Looks So Innocent!

#090 "I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!" (Matthew 19:24)

 Dear All, Good Day!

                                     This verse along with the parable by Jesus about the rich man and Lazarus affected me in my early childhood, say 7-8 years. These in a way led to my aversion to amassing power, wealth and money, as much, all along my life. Even now I take the same stand. 

                                                          I don't know how, but I never felt that my father who was one of the richest in my village will go to hell, maybe, because he was empathetic and a philanthropist. He had only 5 years of schoolgoing, but I always found him quite wise. His knowledge level regarding international affairs was also quite high. I still don't know how, but those days, every month 'Soviet Union', the national magazine of the Soviet Union and 'Span', the national magazine of the USA were received by post in my home. By the 1980s both stopped, but.

                                             But the Bible affected me in such a way that, I remained a partisan of the poor. Only by, say at the age of 48, did I realise that the survival of the poor was always taken care of by the rich with their actions than my, menial financial support and good words.  Slowly it dawned on me that, the Sun, Wind and the Rain clouds give us rain which is very vital. Water from the sea is purified and collected and showered over lands which require them. Even the rich are doing the same thing. The system they run gives employment and money to people so they have their daily bread and more. (I may write later that employment is more important than the wages you get, for a good human being). even when the rich go luxurious and snobbish, a lot of money gets permeated down to lower strata.

                           I started supporting rich and poor, and newer stand of finding a way to differentiate between good and bad. Simply neglecting, religion, region, language, skills, fame, power, and whatnot! I am only a nationalist only to see the nation is remaining a nation, otherwise for the world. I think I have managed to convey something and may add something later, which shall be updated in the revision notes.

PS. All relative to the present days and I can not say exactly, the validity of these views at the time Jesus lived, thanks.

Thanks and Best Regards,

George A P,

Kochi, Kerala, India,

19th June 2022.


#089 By The Way, 'False Prophet' Is An Oxymoron.

#088 “Do not judge, or you will be judged" (Bible, Luke-6:37-42,1). But If You Are Not Afraid Of Getting Judged, You Can Go Ahead!

 Good day, All!

                           What I meant to say, basically, is that If you don't judge yourself or others for a substantial period of time, you may lose your inherent quality to judge. And it may lead to a situation, where, you may have to call upon somebody to make judgements on your behalf. So the said threatening verse will automatically become valid. Hope the situation is clear to you. Also, I am in a way, have used the ambiguity of the English language in my favour. The 'You can go ahead' - a term I used to have more than its literal meaning, but practically too makes you go ahead in your life!

                                                          And also people make mistakes between judgement and execution. Actually, you can practice judging on a regular basis, from different vantage points, without making the execution part. The person or situation you are judging need not be aware of your thoughts. Actually, every decision you make is a judgement and generally, the ability to make a decision is known to be good quality. If you are afraid of judging, how can you be a good decision maker? For my part I make decisions very rarely and when it is absolutely necessary. I normally go with the current and I know it is a little bit risky. Or maybe, I more or less hold my position, and rarely swim against the current. 

 To be continued...

#087 The Horse Of Sacrifice.

#086 Beware; A Story Once Started, May Never End! It May Even Take The Form Of Reality! Horrifying.

#085 I Am, For Blind Faith And, An Agnostic Theist!

#084 I Felt Bad When As A Sailor(Human) I Was Asked to Do A One Day Course On Personal Safety And Social Responsibility!

#083 May Be Bill Gates Was Unknowingly Doing A Divine Charity Already, By Running Microsoft?

#082 Are We Re-Living Our Life? So déjà vu?

#081 I Wonder Why Jerusalem And Haifa Are In Israel!

 Good Day, All!

When the ship M V State Of Tripura, owned by Shipping Corporation Of India, arrived in Haifa a day in 1996 late in the evening, for a short stay, I wanted to go to Jerusalem, taking a French leave. I was working as the first assistant to the Chief Engineer, who was an elderly Malayali, settled in Chennai, Named T B Srinivasan. But after berthing the main control room air conditioner failed due to a shortage of cooling sea-water supply to the system due to chocking of the pipeline. We needed it to run prior to sailing out from Haifa and I told my chief engineer to go and visit Jerusalem and I will stay back and get the job done with my crew. So we finished the job by 0200 Hrs the next day and I just went for a stroll on the streets of Haifa, without knowing anything much about Haifa. By the way, I am very poor in History and Geography and always in the engine room or accommodation and never had to see the navigational maps, even now I can not tell which country/ continent in which part of the spherical thing. But my son of 18 years is good at it and he clears my doubts easily. So as I have mentioned in my earlier posts somewhere, I visited Lotus Temple in Delhi and came to know Bahais too. But I didn't know when I set my foot at Haifa, it is the headquarters of Bahais. Now this much as a prologue and let me come to the topic.

                                    Baháʼu'lláh claimed himself as a representative of God and what Jesus Christ used was never too conspicuous. Either way, it was good enough to bring fear in the bad guys; by the way who is not bad here? So all went and killed them. The clever ones who were sure of the end result stayed calm and got away without any blood stains on their hands or mind.

To continue...

#080 May Be The Serpent Was Not Lying to Eve!

#079 The Science Of Making Money And The Art Of Spending Money; Both Are Vital!

#078 Postulates, Postulates, Postulates! Who Had The Brains To Say They Are Postulates? Theorems Made Of Postulates Shall Remain Postulates!

#077 Is United States Coast Guard Setting Up Grounds For Another Atlantis!

#076 Better To Search For The Untruth Than Truth, In Everything You Perceive!

#-075 It is High Time We Understand Truly How Automation Works!

#074 We Don't Own The World. But You(Singular) Own Your World & You Better Take Care Of It!

 Dear All, Good Day!

Courtesy to the music group 'Scorpions' reference to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FQqLngQAGQ

To be continued...

#073 Finding A Viable Solution May Be Easy, But Knowing The Problem Is Not!

#072 There May Be A Semi-Permeable Membrane Between Left & Right Brains; At Least As Far As Thoughts Are Concerned!

#071 It Seems Prometheus Made An Error In His Operation And There Is A Blackout In Heavens!

#070 I Do Not Know What I Am and I Do Not What I Am Not!

#069 I Am Still Confused About Whether Time Is A Property Of Life Or Life Is A Property Of Time!

#068 I Am Not Here To Reform Others But to Reform Myself And I Only Can Assess My Level Of Reformation. Indirectly It May Reform Others.

#067 I Do Not Know Which Fool Said Knowledge Is Power!

#066 Union Is The Out Thing And Seclusion Is The In Thing! A Clear No No To Conquests!

#065 Maybe Nero Was Doing The Right Thing!

#064 For The Social Reformers; Don't Try To Stop Anything Without Knowing Fully What It Is!

#063 Moses Was Wrong And Abraham Lincoln May Turn Over In His Grave.

#062 If You Can't See God's Signature on Everything You see, You Are Not A Theist!

#061 God, The Ultimate Protagonist!

#060 To Estrange People(Which I am Best At!) I Use These!

 Dear all, Good Day!

1.           1. Not to get inflated.

2       2. Call a spade a spade.

3       3. Do not argue when people expect me to argue

4       4. Don’t react/ respond even when they know that I know they are lying.

5       5. Snobbery of my type which is quite inexpensive.

         6.  Against Abraham Lincoln's target to be humbler than the humblest.

6       7. People Seek money, power, and fame as much, which I don't do.

7       8. I stand out and away from the crowd.

8       9. I opine different, whenever possible and I don't care a heck.

         10. Unexpected response/ reaction from my side.

         11. Ability to differentiate between respect and fear.

       12Maybe my English is also not Indian English?

1       13. I give a lot of importance to the names of people/places/things.

         14. Belief in God and as a sailor try to follow the IMMTS Dufferin anthem and promise Vis, Anthem;

"       We are on the road, we are on the road to anywhere,

      With never a heartache, with never a care,

      Got no home, got no friends, 

      Thankful for everything the good Lord sends,

      We are on the road, we are on the road to anywhere,

     And every milestone seems to say,

      That the road to anywhere, the road to anywhere,

      Will lead to somewhere someday"


     "On my honour, I promise that,

      I will do my best,

      To do my duty to God and my country;

      To help other people at all times,

      To place my ship before my top,

      And the top before myself "

Both, extract from " Lest I Forget" an autobiography by Respected Kwaja Sayeed Shahabuddin. By the way, I came to know about these in words a few months back and all along I was totally unaware of their existence.

All points need elaboration and shall be done in a phased-out manner.

Thanks and best regards,

George A P,

Kochi, Kerala, India.

17 June 2022.

#059 Never Try To Kill Yourself Or Kill Your Self! Rather Never Try To Kill!

Dear All, Good Day!

                                    Another tough one; I do not know how to start and go through it and end it. Anyway, I will give it a try. 

The first part is easy and looks quite down to earth. As all can assume it is about suicide. Anyway, for me, there is no word suicide exists. For whales and such animals, I can accept. But as far as I know myself and other people I have come across, there is no suicide possible. It is a clear case of murder and the society around the victim is the murder made possible. Ones closer to the victim are more responsible. To be continued... 

#058 Crime And Punishment.

 Dear All, Good Morning from this part!

                                        This title actually, I wanted to put it under the post "Root Cause Analysis..." but decided to take it as a new post and may get rid of the other one. 

                                             The term attracted my attention by the book by Fyodor Dostoevsky, which I never could read and do not know the essence of the book. Actually reading Herman Hesse's books in the late 80s, holding the book in one hand and the dictionary in the other hand because the translator wanted to use accurate English words for the original German ones, caused an aversion in me to read translated books. And I always thought that the book shall be telling something like punishment's unsuitability in the justice system. But later referring internet I came to the conclusion that it is not.

                                      Now let me have a look at the root cause analysis and the no-blame culture of the Japanese. To me, it came while working onboard the National Shipping company of Japan(Nippon Yoson Kaisho; Japanese Postal Corporation), and any failure onboard the ship is investigated to find the root cause( For a believer, land up with the God, but I think Japanese are safer that way!) and involved parties are not blamed or punished so that the truth may come out. On the basis of these corrective measures in the system or additional training given to the crew. Worst case scenario the crew member may not be employed and he will be free to work with any other company. This I found a beautiful Justice system, which will enrich the world!

                                                                      Now the next question to myself is am I a law-abiding person. The answer is no! Just because to be a law-abiding person I should know all the laws myself or have some reference medium with me always, which should provide me with the answer within an adequate time period. I don't know the laws of my land or have been to many countries and am totally unaware of the legality or legal lacunae involved. Only my common sense saved me to write this from my home, alive! The onus of this situation can not be put on the constraints of language- please note the point.

              Now let me jump forward and tell something which may be made clear on the way. Now the symbol of justice used is Justicia(Blind-folded or not) and Themis and they definitely represent the Justice like many as in the case of Jean Valjean. But presently, as I can see sitting here, we should change the symbol to God Nemesis. Retribution is the in thing and Justitia and Themis may go to Hell! I think, again from my point of view, we all go for the criminal to support the victim. We don't realise that the first victim is the criminal itself. The complainant is only a secondary victim. What led the criminal, a human being to do something nasty is the failure of society. Symbiotism is supposed to be an inherent quality of human society and if fails all efforts should be taken by the system to do the corrective measure. All over nature, it's there and even the parasites and their victims all follow this if you look deeper. Only humans have the capacity to break it because they seek more of everything! It's basically the Judaism working, God/Devil combination. We may have to find our way without beating any of them! The rules to be followed are theirs; there is nothing good or bad, again the relativity wins!

                                               So when somebody commits an offence and is brought before the judiciary, it is very clear that judges/ lawyers/ witnesses and all related won't do such a thing. Why this particular person had done it that is the issue to be investigated. Instead we, if possible kill him to make the complainant happy, that too for his/ her preconceived idea. Whereas all the issues or most of them as a result of the offence stay unattended. Frankly speaking, this system is the oldest maybe and quite rusted and weak. Do good and go to heaven and bad go to hell. And we say we have progressed. 

                  The best part of the law is that at least religion insists on doing good, but our law doesn't say that, but implicitly gives some options. If you break a law and get caught and proven guilty in court you may be punished. Don't get caught and if get caught, don't leave enough traces, then you are a free bird! This makes the law armless or of the short arm. What a fallacy!

                                                        There is much more to say under this title, but I can't recollect all. I may append as it suits. 

Thanks and Best Regards,

George A P,


Kerala, India.

17th May 2022.



#057 Everybody Thought Somebody Will Do It, Somebody Thought Nobody Can Do It, Finally, Nobody Did It!

 Good Morning to all and Happy birthday to myself!

Extremely meaningful phrase I have come across. So powerful that it can be elaborated into many words ... to be continued.

#056 Divided I Stand; United I Fall! Tributes to Ayn Rand On My Birthday...

#055 Fuzzy Logic Is Not Logic Which Is Fuzzy!

 Dear All Good Morning!

                                        Respected SadhGuru gets zero marks in English for that! I always scrape through in English. Likes playing second fiddle everywhere, scraping through is always my intention, too.

      Fuzzy logic is nothing but making a logical solution for something fuzzy. Spies always used it. Presently, it is better known as decryption, perhaps not necessarily encrypted. Amongst humans, it is as old as a human rivalry.

Thanks and best regards,

George A P,




#054 Hot News!!! Natives Are Out To Destroy Us!

 Good Morning All!

                                   Better Run to death or stay put and accept it. We started surrendering with all the green movements, but better start the white movement(which actually is the colour of death), and I do not know what it is. Better find out, if you wanna live!

                     I always knew that I am missing the point always and can't hit the bull's eye! Somewhere along we neglected the natives(Aborigins, Red Indians and many more). I always wondered why conquests and wars, and noticed that all done by proud and envious people and the title warning is more important to those of us and others who can surrender easily. And as usual, learn more from them and start the war again, because, there are a lot of proud and envious ones we do care for! There was a parallel reason for the conquests, that the natives get a chance to unite, or at least transfer data amongst themselves. We were like a spatula in their hands. And we act as their, spies, smugglers, police army and everything for them. We are slaves, still and Moses maybe was a fool, apparently. Maybe he never rolled and caught a lot of moss and considered himself, a mountain. No blasphemy, intended; or don't drink it raw, add some water, no, no; no real dihydrogen mono oxide, plain water will do!

      I wrongly said puppets and puppeteer earlier. but I feel they have a voodoo puppet for each of us and I do not know whether, the needles are simple ones, hot or poisoned or altogether. If so I am also under the spell and please don't kill me, please! I better say, they don't know what they are doing and I do not know what I am doing!

                                          I was always interested in names and to me, every word is a name and; no male, female, adjective, adverb, proper name, verb, etc. I was actually never worried about covid-19, but I was about the Name Corona Virus! Are we entering the doors of the Sun, or some life-form from the Sun is coming out to kill us? Whichever way!

                                                                                 So I am checking my side whether I am sitting on a throne and if so better stand till the natives' representative/s come. Applicable particularly to the three entities, got the special mention in the Thank You note somewhere before, Vis, Intel, Microsoft, and Google, Apple is okay, and maybe Steve Jobs will be their Alexander!

                                                                                              I am sorry I have to make repair work on a seemingly poor worker's Bosch cordless drill machine battery pack and definitely Bosch won't like it. Sitting, (sorry I am standing now!) at the edge of the world, why should I care!

Thanks and Best Regards,

George A P,




#053 May Be Mind Can Only Listen; and Hear And Decipher!

 Dear All, Good Morning!

                                          Happy Easter and "Vishu"(New Year in our part of India- to anyone new to this word) in advance(many reasons, most important whether I will be alive to wish you the penultimate day). In the Hindi speaking states, they have an adage, that if you get frightened, you are already dead. I counter it by saying that the one who formed it was already afraid of death. For me, I am here to die and the target is death, and others decide whether it is a respectable one or not. But to me any death is respectable. Anybody's too. And I do not know whether I succeed as I can tell you a story matching this situation. While I was a junior engineer on a bulk carrier named M V GangaSagar in 1991, there was a table tennis board on the ship and the senior officers decided to conduct a match and I wanted to be opted out as I didn't know ping pong and the Master K D writer, a Parsi Gentleman also literally in the same boat. So the in the first match I had to play him and we both were trying very hard to lose, but finally, I won the match and he was very happy and even though I won the match practically but I lost in reality, only as far as I am concerned. I think I am deviating but can't help it. Also as I can say there are only suicides and murders. There is no natural death. And I am not brave enough to commit suicide and may God send someone to murder me! Not going to elaborate on it now, but. Sorry I forgot, two guys(brothers) WD& HO Wills were born much earlier to trap me and succeeded, and I am on the way slowly to become a cancer patient and die. Presently I smoke their Honeydew Gold Flake mini, I do not know how many a day! In between, they shifted the onus on Ardath State Express 555 ones. God knows why he deputes the English people against me! Even though I estranged lot of people on the way, but they have to die and come back to accomplish that, it seems, but they are also in the same trap as mine!

                                      Also, there is one more thing that frightens me is that one great poet of Malayalam, Kunchan Nambyar wrote a poem called 'Kalanillatha Kalam" meaning that the time when the God of death(Shiva) is no more. He elaborates on it and it is really frightening!

                                    Here in India most sages and recently Gurus try to differentiate the mind, soul, life energy etc, etc. I can not follow that because I respect modern science(except biology- I only believe in it, that too when absolutely necessary) also very much and anything outside the boundary of least distance of distinct vision and Horizon as seen by naked eyes. So I don't really care how many kidneys or hearts I have, till I am alright! So my mind is me and my body is its armour. All the sensory organs are given to me to protect me and not to use as a primary means of enjoyment. Taste buds are given to identify poisonous substances and now we are accustomed to a lot of poisonous things and we are enjoying those slow killers. Frankly speaking, there is no poison we can dis-avoid but we just fall prey to them because of our own stupidity. But definitely, they help us die and get rid of this body in case it becomes weak   Living itself is a pleasure even in severe conditions then why do you seek more of it! Then, what else to seek will be a good question at this juncture and seek whatever you feel like shall be the answer. Anyway, we come least equipped and want to conquer the universe and beyond and definitely, start with bread and butter, cloth and house, inbuilt procreational stuff without even knowing what it is. On the way, you will have to learn a lot to become wise or unwise. Ornamental stuff will always be there if find enough time.

                                                               I am finding this Grammarly quite disturbing and I gathered her along after Swiftly's predictions and now I feel like writing another "Bhajagovindam" like Swamy Aaadi Shankaracharya had written when he found an elderly guy teaching grammar whereas he should prepare himself for his upcoming death. Even Herman Gundert had struggled a lot to restructure Malayalam(Which makes a palindrome when spelt in English), and English also can not be structured from American English to Indian English to any English. Structuring is needed only for Computers and humans can manage without it.

                                                                                Coming back to the title, I feel that everything we feel is transferred to some signal and the mind does something very close to hearing and then deciphers it and sends out signals and feeling to the armour parts. Maybe adrenalin pumping or heart pulse rate or breathing rate changes, happiness sadness, happiness etc. That is why things like sadism, masochism and anything in between are there. Here I should cover another post titled "Vox Populi Vox Dei". Initially, I thought it is about a Democracy thing but later realised that it is about anything decipherable said by human beings past, present and future, as we can't understand other beings' language as far as I know. So whatever you perceive is heard by the mind and so the title. There are so many other things but I think my brain's registry is corrupted right now. Avast keep asking to buy registry cleaner for my PC, but I should ask them to make one for my brain!

Thanks for all and best regards and a Happy Easter,

George A P,



#052 Holy Cow! Am I one Too? Definitely Not Holy!

Dear All, Good Morning!
                                        Before starting let me point out something that someone( If at all anyone is reading; or at least for the Bots as per Google analytics!) might have noticed. I have added a shortcut to the Revision Status/ Notes post( Google calls it a gadget; quite a funny word, I feel!).
                      Now, coming back to the title, I may go in the reverse order. So, I am not holy, because I started stealing from my dad's pocket at the age of 8 and at 9 I forged my mother's signature to join a book library nearby. I can't say it was a forgery actually because I have never seen her signing anywhere or her signature anywhere. Maybe that was the only signature in her name, and I didn't have to think twice to draw a cross as I expected it to be. And it worked like a charm! Even for the confession for the first holy communion at 10, I amassed four sins vis; stealing money, fighting with others, lying a bit, and disobeying elders. These sins still stand valid and active. So assume that I am not a saint.                                                                                                                So, how can I be a cow, unholy? It is actually the ruminating( chewing the cud) part. Few animal varieties do the rumination, and in this part of the world cows are more and I think they do it quite voraciously and so I chose the cow. Cows eat whatever comes in their way and later they manage to draw out partially processed food back into their mouth and check each and every item or maybe packet if anything is found unsuitable, shall be rejected, and others are put back into the furnace. This itself is sufficient to consider a cow holy and whatever milk or waste generated from the cow is considered good.
                         And I am just a human being and I can't do this on the physical level. But I do eat anything anybody tells, almost without letting them know that I know of their intentions. I don't react or even respond to anything. Even if I do I do it quite elvishly, even though an imp is working within. I make a registry of each data packet and secure them so that they can be retrieved and analysed. So most people find me a fool, but I don't consider myself a fool or intelligent. To be an intellectual was definitely my aim and I thought maybe one day I will attain enough wisdom to reach that level. Since the registry is made I can take out these packets as soon and reach a decision that will never be a conclusion. I don't jump, walk or crawl to conclusions unless I have to act on the basis of it. I may make minor alterations in my behaviour based on the observations, and the judgement shall be made only if I need to act. Till then I wait for the conclusion to come to me, if at all. I can say I still analyse things that happened 52 years, my earliest memory, and try to get some clues about things that are happening right now around me. 
     Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes stories, presumably said that we should remember only what we need to remember. But then I found that what I need tomorrow, I do not know. And as it is I do not memorise anything much. Again a cow comes into the picture, like, in our place when cows are taken for grazing, they are tied to a tree or pole with a sufficiently long rope, so that they can't go away and cause harm to themselves or other peoples' property. So I also remember names, members etc attaching themselves to easily retrievable numbers, names, peculiarities etc. Only some identity document numbers and phone numbers etc are memorised. Now with the Google God, I remember only a few things and my RAM and ROM are quite free, but I don't let them idle and started going into science, religion, philosophy(? can't say that word if its meaning in Sanskrit is Vedanta- because for limited capacity human Veda can not end!), history. geography still evades me, even though I sailed all over the world. May be because I was in the Engine Room most of the time.
Time for a coffee, cigarette and sleep and I hope I have conveyed something.
Thanks and best regards,
George A P,

#051 Beware Of Your Belongings!

 Good Evening All!
                               Quite absurd it is. But this I found way back in the 1990s displayed near the manager's counter of one hotel near Flora Fountain of Mumbai(also known as Hutatma Chowk) where I used to go for lunch. It was obviously intended to remind customers not to forget to take care of their belongings while on the hotel premises or leaving it. But, definitely, it was written erratically, engraved on a glossy brass plate. Even then it was serving the purpose, and apparently, no one had noticed it. Linguistically it has done its job and that's all it matters and I too never bothered to disturb the manager about it.
                                                                                                                      But after say 27 years, I feel this notice is very much valid as it was displayed. Yes, the knowledge, property and people you acquired can cause harm/ work against you, if you are not too careful with them. That's all I can say now.
                                    By the way, I have made some modifications to this blog, by arranging the post "Revisions Status/ Notes about the Posts" to some extent with hyperlinks to open each post on a new page and the date of any update will be mentioned on top of the post subject, and next to the concerned post/s name/s.
Thanks and Best Regards,
George A P,
30th, March 2022,

#050 We The Marionettes And The Puppeteer Is A Ventriloquist Too!

Good Evening All!

To be started...

#049 Neighbour's Envy; Owner's Pride!

Dear All, Good evening from this part of the world!
                 I started writing this blog to try my hand at writing, as I lost my job as a marine engineer due to health issues basically. But I managed to spring back and so, I stopped writing and published all my planned posts' drafts just to give a rough idea about my thought stream. Now, alas, I am back to square one, without a job, just because of my extremely bad habit of standing my ground, which is not an easy job today. By the way, in the meantime, luckily I managed to find a plausible answer to what I was seeking( probably you all might have noticed that most of my posts' heading was questions; answers to which I did not have and it remains so even now). Or if I tell the answer I have it will not even be palpable, because everything is right and wrong at the same time! I myself can't stay stabilized on that thought level. 
                                                                      Only two instances match with that, vis, Alan Parson's Projects song "Dream Within a Dream, based on Edgar Alan Poe's poem and Budha's Teachings I have read taking a whole week when I had to mostly idle at a Singapore Hotel, before joining a container ship, NYK Kai. Both mention that this is an illusionary world and humans' free will is non-existent. Budha retreated, thinking that this thought if spread can put the responsibility of all actions of humans on something supernatural and laws of the world can crash! Okay, I forgot, in Hinduism Supreme mother goddess is mentioned as this illusionist, which too resembles this path of thinking. I would say all these are just magic where we are all the objects used(living and non-living) and the objects also feel whatever is going on around them!
                                                                                           As my writing skills are not really good and what I write is of no commercial value, I still continued this as self-talk, which may help my thought process. Even when I made it audible to some, it did not manage to gain any attention, as people I know consider me as an eccentric, which actually I am, too! But google stats say some people are accessing this site, for which I have never added any tags or say baits. Maybe the stats are erratic.
                                                                      As I have mentioned I can't talk about anything and the only thing I can do is talk or act on what is right in front of me. But, I came across this title catchphrase "Neighbours'  Envy; Owner's Pride!" for an Indian Television brand of the '80s, which glorified snobbery, and tempter, the Devil, was all over. And the latest one Apple's iPhones also have the bitten apple, which Biblically represents the devilish intervention. I am sorry if I am wrong but I don't think in Genesis, it is mentioned God created Devil and then from where he managed to appear and take the form of a serpent(?why poor serpent). Also, God as a term is worn out badly over the period of time for mankind which followed patriarchy mostly. So gods and Goddesses are there for polytheists and for monotheists God and a Devil, apparently stronger for this world. Naturally, people started worshipping it also, definitely for gains and not giving back much! I think even the devil expects you to be thankful and honest. But as per Judaism if one can trust Wikipedia God and the Devil are companions and work in tandem for a better world. So at this juncture, it may be better to find a name for their enterprise which may truly represent the predominant supernatural element. And the adjectives omnipotent and omniscient etc may suit it, but I won't go for the almighty stuff. Because it has to have a modus operandi and it has to strictly adhere to it. It has to follow previously approved/ proven to work laws of sciences; religion also was a science, even now it works, but to a lesser extent due to loss of expertise.
               Present-day science also is seeking the presence of it, and all along mankind was doing it, let it be of any geographical location or they have a fully formed language, etc etc. Here in India the cast system abhorred by many people of late, but I have a clue about its origin. As read, chathurvarnya superior people were formed brahmin ones and others were formed similarly, forced by brahmins. But my version is that initially all were in good unison and they wanted to create a system to seek the supernatural! Brahmins will do the seeking part, Kshatriya will guard the society, Vaishya may be doing business in a wider sense, farming etc and Shudra will take care of the menial jobs. The best ever master plan after nature's male/ female division(more on that later).
                                                       The word Prarthana if you google it may get the meaning as prayer and it is generally accepted. But in Sanskrit if you go with etymology it is to become one with something, say the God. Also, Sanskrit is not a naturally evolved language and was artificially created for some purpose. The same goes to present-day English, which also attained the status of Sanskrit, the way it was used for the creation of the Computer.
                                                                                                   Let me skip to the Arya/ Dravid issue which is the earliest human rivalry I feel. I propose they were one and got separated through a violent method or a peaceful one, but it made both incapacitated and finally, Indus valley and Egypt made them come up to a sustainable level. Dravids were for polytheism, and they created may 33 crore Gods with Aditi as their mother and they somehow managed to tap their energies again and are better off, in some way. While the Arayas were into monotheism, with Judaism as a starting point and many things churned out of it like Muslim(few versions) and Christianity(maybe more than 2000 versions and still going strong!) Christianity in away went for Trinity thing and swayed from monotheism and was able to spread either side. Monotheism, from what I also followed greatly along with polytheism, is an impossible task and it is like Richard Bach's book name'Bridge Across forever" and return back and telling the story may be impossible! Madam Blavatsky along with Henry Steel Olcott was also trying to assist monotheism, naming the ultimate thing as Truth, which is not the antonym of the lie, or revelation of something hidden etc. First Higgs Boson was actually by Annie Beasant and others on Jiddu Krishna Moorthy which terribly backfired.
                                                      Now about the war between Russia and Ukraine, I have no clue what is actually behind it, but contrary to Gandhi's non-violence I prefer wars because I find more honesty in it. Even Guerilla warfares of Vietnam was good. Somebody is attacking you and you tell him that if he tries to kill you, you will commit suicide, actually, you make the job easier for him and he can go scot-free!
                     Writing from India, there is so, so much and I may take leave now, but let me say a few more things. We are all unique pieces and equality is not approachable even in a utopian land. Man to man equality is not there actually and how can somebody seek man-woman equality. They are complementary and shall remain so. Power is a no-no thing for human beings unless they are on the slavery side. Another Moses may come to save them. Energy is the important thing. A car with the ability to develop so much power, without fuel in its tank is worthless. Even with fuel to start moving and go to its full power you need some sort of slip-clutch and gear arrangement.
                     And here we are actually tied up to three words vis, Freedom, Independence, and Pride. The first two are non-existent, particularly in today's world. The third one can go up to a limited level above self-esteem, but after that, it can hurt people around you, and that was the topic of this post actually. But anyway, people have become quite callous and it drives the society well now, by Gods' grace, I feel.
                   The people who seek happiness are either unhappy now( In which case find out why and do necessary action, whatever possible) or they are addicted to happiness and they need to search for a de-addiction centre and not happiness!
                                                                      Liberation in this part many say from birth-death cycle, which is the bondage. This actually I don't understand as I have no idea whether I lived before or shall live again after my death(still remain a myth to me!). But from what I can see that the Aryas and Dravids(I mean the human race all, or the so-called educated ones) shun physical labour and always they managed to make things to do that for them, but I think we are too greedy. And some books say unhappiness is greed, or maybe vice versa. That's all for the time being.
Thanks and best regards and hope the war going on will end without rapes and rape based genocide. Deaths and other material losses are acceptable from my point of view.
George A P,
27th, February 2022,
Kochi, Kerala, India.