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#031 What Are You And What You Do For a Living!

 Dear all, Good day!

Learning English at an early stage in my life, the most difficult poser I faced was the question, "What are You? That was done so coolly, and that was not the case in my mother tongue Malayalam. The answer was also told to me the same way that I should reply that I do professionally. A student may answer that he is a student! For a quite long, long, long time, I was OK as long as English speaking people found it OK. But now, at 55, I feel that I should reconsider this. At the same time, many word meanings also need to be differentiated. I feel like 'ignorance' means a lack of knowledge. It is acceptable for me if English decides to give any meaning to any combination of letters. But the problem I faced is that in India, I hear' ignorance is a crime'; then I find I am surrounded by criminals, me being maybe the worst criminal. Let us take the word meaning 'ignore; approximately neglecting something/someone. So ignorance may have a meaning like a state of neglecting something/someone, which may be quite criminalistic. So a new word definition from me, which is nowhere in any English dictionary!

             Now, about living, we do work to make both ends meet and some extra. Some do it for amassing wealth, and some for power or fame. But, most of the time, these three co-exist and make the one very happy. And many say we should seek happiness. So shall I ask myself, am I happy or unhappy now? Frankly speaking, I am not happy or unhappy. I am not content too. But I am comfortable, and that is what I want to remain most of the time. Occasional happiness and unhappiness are dealt with accordingly. If I want to be happy all the time, I should be addicted to happiness, and one single thing or instance may not make you remain happy forever. So like a drug addict who seeks the next dose when the last one has worn out, people seek devices to make them happy all the time. In my opinion, this is a disease case for a thinking human being.

                                                                             Now, working and earning compared to actual living and purpose of human life are coming to the point. But, unfortunately, I don't think that I have enough data and logical ability to deal with this. I will continue

Thanks and Best regards,

George A P.


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