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#008 Vote of Thanks! A Task impossible!

Good Day All!, 
                         To say thanks, individually to all who had helped me write eventually, is beyond my capacity. People whom, I presume had hurt me, might have helped me more than the other way round ones. Each and every one and each and everything who came across till this time in my life, in an absolute way, had helped me build up energy and fervour, to take up this venture. And at this stage, I will be considering whatever happens in the future also as favourable ones. To me, whether I get readership or not isn't really matters, but the sole purpose is to transcribe whatever I have earned so far and further. 
                            Many people, many books, many songs and many movies have helped and most of them will be mentioned further up in various posts, so I am not taking up this page for that purpose.
                            But, being from India, I can not avoid mentioning the language Sanskrit here, because, I believe that, I learned a lot through Sanskrit words and definitions, even though I never had a formal education in that language. As I said, I do have only a minimal grasp in this language, but the word-meaning of "Sanskrit "is refined or polished language. So it may have been derived from, some other language or languages. This language definitely had supreme argumentation power, because of its precision and accuracy.
                              I have to mention three men's names who all had helped me with this language in my life. First one is Sri L. Govinda Menon, who was an accountant to my fathers business, before my teenage. Then Sri Raju Swamy, who was from a reputed Brahmin family of my place, taught me a lot during my early thirties. And presently Sri Sadhguru, whom you may all are familiar with his talks and a foundation headed by him called Isha Foundation. His talks are quite logical. I don't say that I agree to all his viewpoints, but he definitely, manage to sharpen my intellect and I keep dissecting everything!
Thanks for listening and best regards,
George A P.
PS. Sorry, I forgot to mention the three most important entities; Intel and Microsoft and Google! You may Google for the Google if you don't know!

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