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#023 Important Addition to Relativity!

Good day, All!
                       This is a very important addition to the relativity issue I was talking about earlier. To search for something absolute outside to me, I should know where I stand. And the science of today talk about the earth, universe, Milkyway, galaxies and all that. But more than all these, it is very clear that I need "space" to contain me. So space is real for me. And we say zero or nothing is there. But I am not able to at least, just to visualize nothingness or zero of  'Space". Any amount of struggle I put in, it is not possible for me who is alive. Maybe when I sleep? But I am not conscious and I don't know fully about when I sleep and dreams and nightmares still disturb me. Imaginary space? Or sub/ super imaginary space? And try to visualize the entirety of space and please don't try to depict it with the word "Infinity"! And forget "indefinite" as it is not valid in this discussion, evidently. So we have to decide about what assumption can be made about the characteristics of "Space". and without that, there is no point in pursuing the search for an absolute!
                           I may add one more thing about consciousness. We normally sate two states of mind as conscious. and the root word ( Also as per Normal Lewis's Word Power made Easy and Ida Ehrlich's Instant Vocabulary says same) "sub" suggests something lower and beneath. But normally sub suffixed word meaning interpreted as inferior to the main word. So naturally, we feel that consciousness is more capable and efficient than subconscious. But let us consider a few cases. It takes instantaneous actions, to protect your limbs, head, chest etc from external parts. It uses all sensory elements to do this. It keeps surveillance of all your internal organs also gives sensory feedbacks like pain, fever and other signs and symptoms to give you advance warning. Sometimes these may be only a side-effect of remedial measures it is taking! But consciousness allows us to struggle and engineer this world and takes care of our survival. Even procreation is largely effected by subconsciousness. So from my point of view, so-called consciousness is an important outer layer of underlying superconsciousness, but we call it subconsciousness! It is very much conscious even while sleeping and recedes to a very low value on approaching a coma state.
                                                        Another thing about relativity is that, if there is nothing absolute, how can we live. All we can do is live like walking on thin ice! If you tell someone to peel off the leaves of cabbage, one who doesn't know the job will end up peeling off all leaves so that no cabbage will be left. Se we will make sure that we will tell that person to peel off only dry and rotten leaves so that we will have a cabbage left for the day! So when we live we try to remove stupidly relative stuff, as much as we can. At the same time, this relativity has so many advantages, like the concept of good and bad, made this world possible!
                                                           This is the place the word Maya may be introduced. But I feel powerless to take that word, the reason behind is that in my place, Goddess mother earth is called as " Oh! Mother, the supreme illusionist"! 
Thanks and Best Regards,
George A P.

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