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#007 Archimedes Principle!

Good Day, ALL!
                             I was keeping this post inactive for so long and sorry for that. Being a sailor, it is quite natural that I may be writing about floatation theory and a lot of mathematical formulae. But actually, it is based on a story I heard about, Archimedes who ran nude to the King's palace, right from the bathtub, quite excited, because he found a solution for the King to verify the purity of the crown the goldsmith made for him.
                                                                                                             And we all know that earlier most inventors used to patent their inventions and elicit some royalty depending on the effort/ or the worth of the invention. As far as I know, Rudolph Diesel engine had to come back from death bed and make the Diesel Engine a reality, and the royalty he obtained was for hundred year period as far as I know. Nowadays no inventor is really bothered about patents and all that stuff. As it is during wartime rivalry many inventions were made on strata and they also let out for the public use by nations at an appropriate time. And I am not going into the lurid details/ possibilities of experiments like Higgs-Boson one or many other like 'common stuff' like the internet and capabilities of  Android phones with nonremovable battery with 3.7V power cutoff and like.
                                                                                                   These are the lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, copied from the internet, based on the Edgar Allan Poe poem for reference,
For my own part
I have never had a thought
Which I could not set down in words
With even more distinctness
Than that with which I conceived it
There is, however, a class of fancies
Of exquisite delicacy
Which are not thoughts
And to which, as yet, I have found it
Absolutely impossible
To adapt to language
These fancies arise in the soul
Alas, how rarely
Only at epochs of most intense tranquillity
When the bodily and mental health
Are in perfection
And at those mere points of time
Where the confines of the waking world
Blend with the world of dreams
And so I captured this fancy
Where all that we see
Or seem
Is but a dream
Within a dream;
And I can add a lot more about this but, I will be wrong may after a few months also. But definitely, there is an answer to this maze. And I don't I am in a perfect state of health physically and mentally. 
                         I hope I have managed to carry across something and I may add to this definitely. Because I had been told by a Hindu Guru that a Secret is not something which is just revealed and people understand. A secret will remain a secret always. Maybe we can follow the Tibetan chant Om Mani Padme Hum( Jewel in the Lotus)!
Thanks and Best Regards,
George A P,
Kochi, Kerala,
India. 04th, June 2022


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