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#024 Root Cause Analysis With No Blame Culture!

Good day, All!
                       Without saying this I can not proceed. All along I was trying a sequence, but this is the most important part. This particular phrase I got from the Japanese Shipping Company NYK, I had worked with, for a short period. This is the method they used to shipboard failures and accidents. Searching for a cause at the root level will make it possible to establish the best possible preventive measures. If you start blaming people, your chances of finding the root cause which may be lying deeper. This in a way makes the punishment process impossible.

Crime and punishment

Birds Flying away with the Net!
Crime and punishment, to err is human to forgive is godly!

#023 Important Addition to Relativity!

Good day, All!
                       This is a very important addition to the relativity issue I was talking about earlier. To search for something absolute outside to me, I should know where I stand. And the science of today talk about the earth, universe, Milkyway, galaxies and all that. But more than all these, it is very clear that I need "space" to contain me. So space is real for me. And we say zero or nothing is there. But I am not able to at least, just to visualize nothingness or zero of  'Space". Any amount of struggle I put in, it is not possible for me who is alive. Maybe when I sleep? But I am not conscious and I don't know fully about when I sleep and dreams and nightmares still disturb me. Imaginary space? Or sub/ super imaginary space? And try to visualize the entirety of space and please don't try to depict it with the word "Infinity"! And forget "indefinite" as it is not valid in this discussion, evidently. So we have to decide about what assumption can be made about the characteristics of "Space". and without that, there is no point in pursuing the search for an absolute!
                           I may add one more thing about consciousness. We normally sate two states of mind as conscious. and the root word ( Also as per Normal Lewis's Word Power made Easy and Ida Ehrlich's Instant Vocabulary says same) "sub" suggests something lower and beneath. But normally sub suffixed word meaning interpreted as inferior to the main word. So naturally, we feel that consciousness is more capable and efficient than subconscious. But let us consider a few cases. It takes instantaneous actions, to protect your limbs, head, chest etc from external parts. It uses all sensory elements to do this. It keeps surveillance of all your internal organs also gives sensory feedbacks like pain, fever and other signs and symptoms to give you advance warning. Sometimes these may be only a side-effect of remedial measures it is taking! But consciousness allows us to struggle and engineer this world and takes care of our survival. Even procreation is largely effected by subconsciousness. So from my point of view, so-called consciousness is an important outer layer of underlying superconsciousness, but we call it subconsciousness! It is very much conscious even while sleeping and recedes to a very low value on approaching a coma state.
                                                        Another thing about relativity is that, if there is nothing absolute, how can we live. All we can do is live like walking on thin ice! If you tell someone to peel off the leaves of cabbage, one who doesn't know the job will end up peeling off all leaves so that no cabbage will be left. Se we will make sure that we will tell that person to peel off only dry and rotten leaves so that we will have a cabbage left for the day! So when we live we try to remove stupidly relative stuff, as much as we can. At the same time, this relativity has so many advantages, like the concept of good and bad, made this world possible!
                                                           This is the place the word Maya may be introduced. But I feel powerless to take that word, the reason behind is that in my place, Goddess mother earth is called as " Oh! Mother, the supreme illusionist"! 
Thanks and Best Regards,
George A P.

#022 Incorrigible Human?

Good day, All!

#021 Bridge Across Man~Woman!

Good Day, All!
Paul Anka, Papa and You are having my baby! One by Richard bach! The proof test only for the fairer sex! Superficial, skin-deep issue new world order Illuminatti possibilities..
Blowing in the wind  How many roads a man.
Mankind Manushya
Superficial world...

#020 Problem George And Stephen Hawking's George!

Good day, All!

#019 Languages And Interlingual Translation Observations!

Good day to All!
                            In this post, I would like to throw some light into the limitations of human languages (with Script or without script), themselves and inaccuracy incur during translation. Every word only depicts something and every meaning is just an approximation. If we concentrate on this point enough, it will become clearer. If anyone is familiar with the "Love is.." comic strip which used to run on newspapers, will know how difficult is it to define the word love. On top of that, some say "God is Love", which truly makes things worse, as all four sectors comprising of gnostic/ agnostic, theist/ atheist are not sure about God! 
                                                Now, say, take the name of a fruit, and the word will help you to identify that fruit for all practical purposes, but it will never completely define that fruit. And try to use more words to make it explicable, and even after many pages, you won't reach there. And, for that same reason, somewhere beforehand, I mentioned that this writing is going to be an ordeal to me. And that is why I wanted to delay start writing as late as possible so that I may find an easier and accurate method of writing. I am sure I am nowhere near to that stage now. I need all the support from you the readers, to point out my mistakes. I need real criticism and appraisal from you all. And many thanks in advance. 
                Now the case of translation of languages is still worse! If any of you have seen Jim Carrey's movie The Truman Show, they will know of the life-like replica of a corporation, in which the main character is born and brought and telecast live like a TV serial. So, if we make such one and put, say,1000 people, from a region, knowing only their mother tongue and another 1000 of another, knowing only their mother tongue, how many years will they take to make for, each other understand things( this is only guesswork I made, please point out any mistakes). And how will they know that the system is perfect? There are still points I can suggest, but I feel this should suffice. 
                                           I can iterate something happened to me in China, in 1992, when the ship "Gangasagar" on which, I was working, as a junior engineer, was dry-docked at Shanhaiguan. I was only, 26 at that time; young and daring! Initial days, with some crew members, I visited QuinHuangDao, and I liked that city very much. Every day, onboard ship, I used to play table tennis(ping-pong), with a Chinese work supervisor, during rest hours, and I learned the way to the city and how to pronounce the place names so that the local people will understand what I mean. One day I set out alone, to my destination, Quinhuangdao! I reached the next town, Shanhaiguan and started asking around the way to Qinhuangdao. Alas, nobody could understand what I am saying and a taxi driver took me to hotels, some other nice places and even to women who are into sex trade! I refused and keep uttering that, I only want to go to Qinhuangdao. I tried various pronunciations and nothing worked. Then I quit the idea and I wanted to come back to the shipyard. To my shock, now they do not understand that too! I tried drawing the ship on a piece of paper as best as I can and failed all the time. I was at the verge of crying and suddenly a rickshaw fellow appeared and he was like an angel transcended from heaven, and he understood, what I said and I, at last, reached my ship safely! This was the best and worst(from two entirely opposite viewpoints!) experience happened to me in a foreign land, as far as language is concerned! 
                                                           And at this point, I would like to say that all types of computers work more or less perfect, because the languages implied are suitable respectively to them. And most of the time human failures are due to inefficient communication. And, you try to read any law book, you will notice that the effort put in, to make ideas precise, makes them a jargon! But it is very clear that all laws are based on simple common sense!
                                                          So, please, let me carry on and, keep in mind about this language issue, to which I too am very much fallible.
Thanks, best regards,
George A P.

#018 Power Versus Energy!

Good day, All!

#017 About Arts and Sports!

Good day, all!

#016 Is There Anything Called UnNatural?

Good day, All!

#015 Can History Be Trusted?

Good Day, All!

#014 Blink, by Malcom gladwell!

Good day, All!

#012 Symbiotism! What is there in a name!

Good day, All!

#013 Six Thinking Hats, By Edward de Bono!

Good day, All!

#011 How important is Economics, the Science!

Good day, all!

#010 SCI rootword of Knowledge tree!

Good day, all!

#009 Money Rules! Should it be allowed to?

Good Day, All!

#008 Vote of Thanks! A Task impossible!

Good Day All!, 
                         To say thanks, individually to all who had helped me write eventually, is beyond my capacity. People whom, I presume had hurt me, might have helped me more than the other way round ones. Each and every one and each and everything who came across till this time in my life, in an absolute way, had helped me build up energy and fervour, to take up this venture. And at this stage, I will be considering whatever happens in the future also as favourable ones. To me, whether I get readership or not isn't really matters, but the sole purpose is to transcribe whatever I have earned so far and further. 
                            Many people, many books, many songs and many movies have helped and most of them will be mentioned further up in various posts, so I am not taking up this page for that purpose.
                            But, being from India, I can not avoid mentioning the language Sanskrit here, because, I believe that, I learned a lot through Sanskrit words and definitions, even though I never had a formal education in that language. As I said, I do have only a minimal grasp in this language, but the word-meaning of "Sanskrit "is refined or polished language. So it may have been derived from, some other language or languages. This language definitely had supreme argumentation power, because of its precision and accuracy.
                              I have to mention three men's names who all had helped me with this language in my life. First one is Sri L. Govinda Menon, who was an accountant to my fathers business, before my teenage. Then Sri Raju Swamy, who was from a reputed Brahmin family of my place, taught me a lot during my early thirties. And presently Sri Sadhguru, whom you may all are familiar with his talks and a foundation headed by him called Isha Foundation. His talks are quite logical. I don't say that I agree to all his viewpoints, but he definitely, manage to sharpen my intellect and I keep dissecting everything!
Thanks for listening and best regards,
George A P.
PS. Sorry, I forgot to mention the three most important entities; Intel and Microsoft and Google! You may Google for the Google if you don't know!

#007 Archimedes Principle!

Good Day, ALL!
                             I was keeping this post inactive for so long and sorry for that. Being a sailor, it is quite natural that I may be writing about floatation theory and a lot of mathematical formulae. But actually, it is based on a story I heard about, Archimedes who ran nude to the King's palace, right from the bathtub, quite excited, because he found a solution for the King to verify the purity of the crown the goldsmith made for him.
                                                                                                             And we all know that earlier most inventors used to patent their inventions and elicit some royalty depending on the effort/ or the worth of the invention. As far as I know, Rudolph Diesel engine had to come back from death bed and make the Diesel Engine a reality, and the royalty he obtained was for hundred year period as far as I know. Nowadays no inventor is really bothered about patents and all that stuff. As it is during wartime rivalry many inventions were made on strata and they also let out for the public use by nations at an appropriate time. And I am not going into the lurid details/ possibilities of experiments like Higgs-Boson one or many other like 'common stuff' like the internet and capabilities of  Android phones with nonremovable battery with 3.7V power cutoff and like.
                                                                                                   These are the lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, copied from the internet, based on the Edgar Allan Poe poem for reference,
For my own part
I have never had a thought
Which I could not set down in words
With even more distinctness
Than that with which I conceived it
There is, however, a class of fancies
Of exquisite delicacy
Which are not thoughts
And to which, as yet, I have found it
Absolutely impossible
To adapt to language
These fancies arise in the soul
Alas, how rarely
Only at epochs of most intense tranquillity
When the bodily and mental health
Are in perfection
And at those mere points of time
Where the confines of the waking world
Blend with the world of dreams
And so I captured this fancy
Where all that we see
Or seem
Is but a dream
Within a dream;
And I can add a lot more about this but, I will be wrong may after a few months also. But definitely, there is an answer to this maze. And I don't I am in a perfect state of health physically and mentally. 
                         I hope I have managed to carry across something and I may add to this definitely. Because I had been told by a Hindu Guru that a Secret is not something which is just revealed and people understand. A secret will remain a secret always. Maybe we can follow the Tibetan chant Om Mani Padme Hum( Jewel in the Lotus)!
Thanks and Best Regards,
George A P,
Kochi, Kerala,
India. 04th, June 2022


#006 Vox Populi! Vox Dei!

Good day, All!
                        Regret the delay. It translates into the voice of the people, the voice of God or Gods (depending on whether you are mono or polytheist; Atheists are not entertained!).
                                                                              Initially, I thought this is connected to democracy stuff, but then such a stupid word can not be connected to God in any way, and a rumination process was initiated and as usual some viable solution was reached sooner or later. I got the word voice wrong, as I realized that the mind can only hear; or rather whatever inputs from all the sensory organs are processed by the sixth one and converted to the base language (lower strata than the mother tongue or any language you use while thinking, by the way, I can think in three languages together!). So the voice of the people should be whatever the generations made available for you to perceive, as written, said, or projected, and all their combinations. Now I am satisfied, yes this definition is good enough, I say.
                     A bit about democracy; as it is something political. In my place, people never like to talk about politics, philosophy, and religion (mainly I feel due to the high intolerance level and separatism present). Politics, if you look into the etymology, is based on city and city dwellers. So anything political should be made of individuals. Try to build a wall using irregular stones or crumbled concrete pieces from some destroyed building, and it will be a tough task, even if you manage to make one strong enough. I don't say I am fully right with this analogy as here we make foundations (only) using grey, hard, and rough stones of different sizes/ shapes. But it is an expert job. So already there are unions from, families to relatives and religious (here we have plenty!), trade-related ones, and I feel that democracy or any sort of political system may not work as intended here. 
May continue...
26th, June, 2023.

#005 "Victims Of Circumstances What We Are.."

Good Day, All!
This, too, is only a part of the preface which I was trying to omit. Because my preface to my blog will continue for some more posts until I say I am entering the main context of the blog. The term victims of circumstances what we are, as the link shows, came to my notice as the song by Barclay James Harvest. But I can not really agree that we are victims, but we are only the product of the circumstances. When we feel that we are down or hurt in a way, we feel that we are victims. But even in those situations, we will have enough strength left in us not to be felt as hurt beyond repair. In my case, I am also a victim now because it is not a good practice to go out and seek alms in exchange for something I write in my society. They won't mind if I publish all I write for royalty, then it would be perfect. But to me, whatever I write, I acquired on the way, maybe without much effort, or as a part of what I did like reading and listening to songs or watching movies which definitely were enjoyed by me. And now I do not know how to put a price tag on it, and by seeking alms, I find that only the ones who can spare some money need to pay, and I will be leaving behind whatever I write for all to read. And once I get enough to sustain myself for a period, I can always stop collecting because I am against amassing wealth.
                                       This is for everyone who reads my blog to know that I was always a patron to many to a short term effect, and even now, at this stage, also is. I am quite sympathetic to people on the street, but most of the time, I could only pay out some alms to them, depending on what I can afford. I don't mean to compare myself to a beggar, but it really is not much different. A classic case I can remember is that, in 1996, when the ship "State of Tripura" a tramp general cargo ship, on which I was working, reached the port of Manchester of UK and I went ashore to see the sights. And there on the street side, one band was singing Boxerby Simon & Garfunkel, and I liked their performance very much and paid five pounds to them, which was too much money for me at that time. I meant to say that paying alms or seeking alms is allowed for me. So I request that If you like whatever I write and feel compassionate and benevolent enough, please help me out by going to my Patreon page and donating some small change to me. (Sorry! Thanks to India I got my job back and I am not seeking alms anymore and I removed that post too from this blog)
                      The basic reason for writing this post was to highlight my circumstances. Great thanks to my parents, and it definitely includes all. But then need to tell separately: I have to thank all my relatives and friends, colleagues, and regions of society I lived in or passed through. 
Thanks and Best Regards,
George A P.