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#002 Shall I Or Shall I Not!

Good day to all who managed to find me here!
Regret to say that, as too much had been written down so far by so many, I don't find it worthwhile to take writing seriously. Supported by the intuition I got that, the fault was on the readers' side, including me. This particular site is the datum one, I have made two other ones vis blindedbyarduino.blogspot.com (which is about the most important hobby I landed upon, which really helped me through really tough times) and loosecannonflogsadeadhorse.blogspot.com (which may contain my seafaring experiences). Anyway, I am trying my potluck, hoping, I may manage to hit the bull's eye, by transferring what is in my mind about me and my world, and that "someone" will know about his/her life and his/her world. And as a regular practice, the writer in me assumes that I, plain simply, am above all This is said in a jocular way and on the way you may notice that, I just have my self-esteem to keep me steady, and I make sure that I never ever look down on anyone, and I look up to many, as the situation demands, and also, I don't look for any role models as I am not interested in someone else's role/ or maybe any role at all!

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