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#001 Introduction

                              Best wishes and best regards to all who happen to read this, and whatever I write further in this blog. These write-ups are meant to be an explicit representation of my search for the possibility of something of absolute value. Apparently, human beings, some prefer to call it by word "truth". It is in no way connected to the opposite word of "lie" or something which is hidden initially and later revealed. By truth, I mean something convincing like an answer to the question of whether a creator exists for this universe, which is quite convincing to us. We need not have an idea, of who the creator is, but! And as the caption suggests, everything I write will be only true to the best of my knowledge, except for unforeseen errors, I make, due to my inadequate database and ability to think and correlate logically. Maybe only a momentary lapse of reason(Pink Floyd?).
                               And as far as the selection of blog name was concerned, I was strongly affected by Revered Albert Einstein for his theory of relativity. But even though, being a mechanical engineer, myself, I couldn't delve deeper into the mass-energy relation( E=MC2) or Special and General Theory of relativity Basically all the above were analysing the materialistic things, but what I am trying to do is to analyse the relativity of "we, the human eyes" through all materials are visualised and realised. But, I will never say that Albert Einstein was never concerned about this issue because when he wanted to express his views on Life, Science, and Human Nature, he chose the name "The World As I See It" for the book. The name I have chosen for my blog also is quite similar to it. And to walk along with a Great human being like him is not an easy job, but I expect all my readers to go through this ordeal. I called it an ordeal because it is not going to be easy or enjoyable. 
                             When trying to write this, the first wish I had was to use the simplest terms throughout, as much as possible, so that they may be read and understood by the majority of people. And English is a foreign language to many. My mother tongue is "Malayalam", which is spoken in the state of Kerala, in India. It has its own script and heritage, but whatever I am trying to express here is acquired through reading in English and pertains to the Biblical era of today, which follows the Gregorian calendar, all over the world. Presently my grasp or in-depth knowledge of all the works in Malayalam is quite inadequate to consider it as a medium for me to write.
                      Another major objective was, to consider the different sections of people who read my pages. I hope and expect all ages, gender, caste, creed, religion, and races to read my works, but for me to execute this without hurting any of the above, unknowingly will be a tedious task. I may, but, hurt someone intentionally, with a purpose, which may be explained and sorted out on the way.
                                 The most important underlying threads of my writings will be the relativity aspect of human beings as mentioned earlier and love(which apparently applies to all living beings). Regarding love I would like to take Kenny Rogers' song "Love will turn you around" and his movie Six Pack with the same title song. I suggested this because, as a practice, people narrow-mindedly think of man-woman love as the ultimate stuff! 
                                       I hope this is enough as an introduction, but I have a feeling that I couldn't write everything that needs to be said in the introduction. Anyway, please allow me to continue with further posts. Thanks and best regards and wishes to all,
George A P.
PS: I will be using Grammarly to assist me in presenting the post with almost nil grammatical, punctuational, and typing errors. Thanking you all at the Grammarly team!